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The Congress of Women: A Self Support Problem

by Miss Julia S. Tutwiler Our Forgotten Foremothers.Education of Indian Girls in the WestA Self Support Problem[1] Miss Julia Strudwick Tutwiler is a native of Tuscaloosa, Ala. She was born…

October 1999 News and Events

1999 News Month-By-Month World Russia Severs Ties with Chechnya (Oct. 1): Prime Minister Vladimir Putin acts after eight days in which Russian planes bombed strongholds of Islamic militants using…

My Lord and Lady

My Lord and Lady"Please, Madam Mother, could you lend me my wife for half an hour? The luggage has come, and I've been making hay of Amy's Paris finery, trying to find some things I want,"…

Classical Mythology: A Lot of Bull

A Lot of BullClassical MythologyLucky in War, Unlucky in Love: TheseusRoad WarriorA Lot of BullKing Theseus Wants a WifeMidlife Crisis: The Abduction of Helen Having rid the isthmus and its…

The Supreme Court: Starting the Abortion Debate

Starting the Abortion DebateThe Supreme CourtBurger CourtPolitical Firestorm That FizzledDethroning a PresidentStarting the Abortion DebateActivism Takes Over the Court Long before Roe v.…