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26th Lambda Literary Awards

The 26th Annual Lambda Literary Awards were for books published in 2013. Winners were announced during a ceremony on June 2, 2014…

The Battle of Iwo Jima

From Allied invasion to national symbol Related Links Slideshow: Statues of Washington, D.C. World War II Axis Powers Allies Memorial Day During the winter of 1945, in the…

Brewer's: Dies Alliensis

(See Alliensis.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Dies IræDiego A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Related…

Brewer's: Carmagnole

(3 syl.). A red Republican song and dance in the first French revolution; so called from Carmagnola, in Piedmont, the great nest of the Savoyards, noted for street music and dancing. The…

Brewer's: Dies Non

A non-business day. A law phrase, meaning a day when the courts do not sit, as on Sundays; the Purification, in Hilary term; the Ascension, in Easter term; St. John the Baptist, in Trinity…

Brewer's: Eraclius

the emperor, condemned a knight to death because the companion who went out with him returned not. “Thou hast slain thy fellow,” said the emperor, “and must die. Go,” continued he, to…

Brewer's: Go

(Anglo-Saxon, gan, ic ga, I go.) Here's a go or Here's a pretty go. Here's a mess or awkward state of affairs. It is no go. It is not workable. “Ça ira, ” in the French Revolution (it…

Brewer's: Matter's afoot

(The). Is in train, is stirring. Il marche bien, it goes well; ca ira. Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot; Take thou what course thou wilt. Shakespeare: Julius Caesar, iii. 2.…

Ireland, Republic of

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Ireland, Republic of, Gaelic, Eire, republic (2015 est. pop. 4,700,000), 27,136 sq mi (70,282 sq km). It occupies all but the northeastern corner of the island of Ireland in the…