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Burkina Faso Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Burkina Faso Index: Geography People History Government and Political Conditions Economy Foreign Relations U.S.-Burkina Relations GEOGRAPHY…

Ecuador Department of State Background

U.S. Department of State Background Note Ecuador Index: People Economy U.S.-Ecuadorian Relations PEOPLE Ecuador's population is ethnically mixed. The largest ethnic groups are indigenous…

Bashar Assad, 2000 News

34, Syrian ophthalmologist, was thrust into the international spotlight after his father, Syrian president Hafez Assad, died of a heart attack in June. Hafez Assad had been grooming his soft…

A Quote from "Five Easy Pieces"

The Question: I can't remember the title of the movie that includes the following scene: Jack Nicholson is in a restaurant and he orders a plain sandwich,…

"Roy Rogers"

The Question: While watching an old Roy Rogers TV series last weekend, my husband and I started a contest matching "heroes" names with the names of their…

The Anatomy of a Compact Disc

The Question: A project I am working on for this class requires that I know the exact distance between the grooves on a CD. I've looked everywhere, and I cannot find this…

George "Spanky" McFarland

The Question: Concerning the old classic movies of Little Rascals or Our Gang Comedies... whatever happened to Spanky McFarland? I heard that he was killed…


The Sojourner rover is an exploratory robot which landed on Mars on July 4, 1997, and spent weeks exploring the planet's surface. Sojourner was part of NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission, dedicated to…

programming language

(Encyclopedia) programming language, syntax, grammar, and symbols or words used to give instructions to a computer. Once the program is written and has had any errors repaired (a process called…

Michael Saylor, 2000 News

35, software and Internet company executive, lost $6 billion (on paper) in one day when the stock of his company, MicroStrategy, lost 62% of its value on March 20. MicroStrategy “cooked the…