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Displaying 201 - 210

Walt Whitman: Lo, Victress on the Peaks

Lo, Victress on the PeaksLo, Victress on the peaks, Where thou with mighty brow regarding the world, (The world O Libertad, that vainly conspired against thee,) Out of its countless…

Joyce Kilmer: Poets

PoetsJoyce KilmerVain is the chiming of forgotten bells That the wind sways above a ruined shrine. Vainer his voice in whom no longer dwells Hunger that craves immortal Bread and Wine.Light…

The Devil's Dictionary: Exception

by Ambrose Bierce EVERLASTINGEXCESSEXCEPTION -n. A thing which takes the liberty to differ from other things of its class, as an honest man, a truthful woman, etc. "The exception proves…


In Greek mythology, Achilles was the greatest hero of the Trojan War and the central character of Homer's epic poem Iliad. Although completely reliable evidence is absent, most scholars date the…

Amy Lowell: A Winter Ride

A Winter RideWho shall declare the joy of the running! Who shall tell of the pleasures of flight! Springing and spurning the tufts of wild heather, Sweeping, wide-winged, through the blue…

Walt Whitman: Song of the Exposition, Part 4

Part 4But hold—don't I forget my manners? To introduce the stranger, (what else indeed do I live to chant for?) to thee Columbia; In liberty's name welcome immortal! clasp hands, And ever…

Isabella Rossellini

Name at birth: Isabella Fiorella Elettra Giovanna RosselliniActress, model, cosmetics spokeswoman and filmmaker Isabella Rossellini is probably best known for her role as Dorothy Vallens in the 1986…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: Numen Lumen

by EmilyDickinsonDreamsLongingNumen Lumen Numen Lumen I live with him, I see his face; I go no more away For visitor, or sundown; Death's single privacy, The only one forestalling…