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Thomas HINDS, Congress, MS (1780-1840)

HINDS Thomas , a Representative from Mississippi; born in Berkeley County, Va., January 9, 1780; moved to Greenville, Miss.; served in the War of 1812 as major of Cavalry; distinguished himself…

Eddie Bracken 2002 Deaths

Eddie BrackenAge: 87 stage, screen, and film actor who played the comic hero in the Preston Struges films The Miracle of Morgan's Creek and Hail the Conquering Hero. His career, which spanned…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Bell

The BellI love thy music, mellow bell, I love thine iron chime, To life or death, to heaven or hell, Which calls the sons of Time. Thy voice upon the deep The home-bound sea-boy hails,…

Africa's Newest Country

The Question: What is Africa's youngest/newest country? The Answer: Africa's newest country is Eritrea, which is located in the East Africa. Eritrea's citizens voted on April 23-25, 1993, to…

Paulette Goddard

Paulette Goddard was a Hollywood leading lady from her breakthrough in 1936 -- opposite then-husband Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times -- until her retirement in 1958 as the wife of writer Erich Maria…

Saul Bellow

Name at birth: Solomon BellowsSaul Bellow was a Jewish-American writer who in 1976 won the Nobel Prize for a career that included the novels Herzog (1965) and Seize the Day (1956). The son of…

Toby Keith

Name at birth: Toby Keith CovelAfter working in the oil fields of Oklahoma and playing semi-pro football, Toby Keith went into the music business in the mid-1980s. After a few years as part of a…

Chiwetel Ejiofor

English stage actor Chiwetel Ejiofor is best known internationally for his star performance in the 2002 movie Dirty Pretty Things (co-starring Audrey Tautou) and his Oscar-nominated performance as…