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Displaying 401 - 410

Norse Mythology

This glossary of Norse Mythology gives brief descriptions of the many characters involved in the stories and legends of Norse mythology. Aesir: Chief gods of Asgard.Andvari: Dwarf; robbed…

Job: 38

Job Chapter 38 1 Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 2 Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? 3 Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand…

In the Solitudes of the Upper Missouri

Chapter 8 Chapter 10 In the Solitudes of the Upper Missouri Under date of May 17, the journal of the party has the following interesting entries:-- "We set out early and…

Rockefeller, John Davison

(Encyclopedia) Rockefeller, John Davison, 1839–1937, American industrialist and philanthropist, b. Richford, N.Y. He moved (1853) with his family to a farm near Cleveland and at age 16 went to work…

Friends, Religious Society of

(Encyclopedia) Friends, Religious Society of, religious body originating in England in the middle of the 17th cent. under George Fox. The members are commonly called Quakers, originally a term of…

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XXIV

Inferno: Canto XXIIIInferno: Canto XXVInferno: Canto XXIV In that part of the youthful year wherein The Sun his locks beneath Aquarius tempers, And now the nights draw near to half the…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 20, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 19, 1805August 21, 1805August 20, 1805 Tuesday August 20th 1805. This morning I sent out the two hunters and employed the ballance of the…