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Displaying 161 - 170

Brewer's: Swell Mob

The better-dressed thieves and pickpockets. A “swell” is a person showily dressed; one who puffs himself out beyond his proper dimensions, like the frog in the fable. Source: Dictionary…

Brewer's: Batrachomyomachia

(pronounce Ba-trak'o-my'o-makia). A storm in a puddle; much ado about nothing. The word is the name of a mock heroic poem in Greek, supposed to be by Pigres of Caria, and means The Battle…

Brewer's: Sly-Boots

One who appears to be a dolt, but who is really wide awake; a cunning dolt. “The frog called the lazy one several times, but la vain; there was no such thing as stirring him, though the…

The Devil's Dictionary: F


Brewer's: Play

“This may be play to you, `tis death to us.” The allusion is to the fable of the boys throwing stones at some frogs. (Roger L'Estrange.) As good as a play. So said King Charles when he…

Brewer's: Log

An instrument for measuring the velocity of a ship. It is a flat piece of wood, some six inches in radius, and in the shape of a quadrant. A piece of lead is nailed to the rim to make the…

Brewer's: John Bull

The national nickname for an Englishman, represented as a bluff, kindhearted, bull-headed farmer. The character is from a satire by Dr. Arbuthnot. In this satire the Frenchman is termed…

Brewer's: Scythian Defiance

When Darius approached Scythia, an ambassador was sent to his tent with a bird, a frog, a mouse, and five arrows, then left without uttering a word. Darius, wondering what was meant, was…

Brewer's: Troxartas

[bread-cater ]. King of the mice and father of Psycarpax, who was drowned. Fix their council ... Where great Troxartas crowned in glory reigns ... Psycarpax' father, father now no more'…