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(Encyclopedia) ultrasound or sonography, in medicine, technique that uses sound waves to study and treat hard-to-reach body areas. In scanning with ultrasound, high-frequency sound waves are…

White Lotus Rebellion

(Encyclopedia) White Lotus Rebellion, Chinese anti-Manchu uprising that occurred during the Ch'ing dynasty. It broke out (1796) among impoverished settlers in the mountainous region that separates…

Theories of the Universe: Chunks of Uncertainty

Chunks of UncertaintyTheories of the UniverseChunks of UncertaintyJust a Little Math Won't HurtBorn of ProbabilityThey're Complementary After All Universal Constants Angular momentum can be…

resistance, in electricity

(Encyclopedia) resistance, property of an electric conductor by which it opposes a flow of electricity and dissipates electrical energy away from the circuit, usually as heat. Optimum resistance is…

Arecibo Observatory

(Encyclopedia) Arecibo Observatory, radio-astronomy facility located near Arecibo, Puerto Rico, part of the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center. Conceived by, designed by, and built under the…

Kawasaki disease

(Encyclopedia) Kawasaki disease or Kawasaki syndrome, acute illness characterized by inflammation of the blood vessels that primarily affects young children; it is more common in boys and children of…


(Encyclopedia) magnetronmagnetronmăgˈnĭtrŏnˌ [key], vacuum tube oscillator (see electron tube) that generates high-power electromagnetic signals in the microwave frequency range. Its operation is…

echo, in acoustics

(Encyclopedia) echo, reflection of a sound wave back to its source in sufficient strength and with a sufficient time lag to be separately distinguished. If a sound wave returns within 1&fslsh;10…


Earthquakes can wreak havoc on infrastructure. Earthquakes are some of the most devastating natural disasters in the world, causing millions in damages and claiming thousands of lives. Seismic…