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Ronstadt, Linda

(Encyclopedia) Ronstadt, Linda (Linda Maria Ronstadt), 1946–, American singer, b. Tucson, Ariz. She is known for the clarity and strength of her soprano voice and for the range of song genres in…

Brewer's: Flowing Philosophers

The followers of Heraclitos, referred to by Plato as tous reontas (Theæ'tetus, 181 A). Heraclitos denied the permanency of everything in nature except change. Tennyson has a poem entitled…

Theodosia Garrison: The Tears of Harlequin

The Tears of HarlequinTheodosia GarrisonTo you he gave his laughter and his jest, His words that of all words were merriest, His glad, mad moments when the lights flared high And his wild…

Alfred Lord Tennyson: I

I Here far away, seen from the topmost cliff, Filling with purple gloom the vacancies Between the tufted hills the sloping seas Hung in mid-heaven, and half-way down rare sails,…


(Encyclopedia) monologue, an extended speech by one person only. Strindberg's one-act play The Stronger, spoken entirely by one person, is an extreme example of monologue. Soliloquy is synonymous,…


(Encyclopedia) parody, mocking imitation in verse or prose of a literary work. The following poem by Robert Southey was parodied by Lewis Carroll: “You are old, Father William,” the young man cried…

Brewer's: Tear

(to rhyme with “snare”). To tear Christ's body. To use imprecations. The common oaths of mediaeval times were by different parts of the Lord's body, hence the preachers used to talk of “…

Andersen's Fairy Tales: The Story of a Mother

The Happy FamilyThe False CollarThe Story of a Mother A mother sat there with her little child. She was so downcast, so afraid that it should die! It was so pale, the small eyes had closed…