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Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

Historical BackgroundThe McCulloch v. Maryland decision in 1819 fanned the flames of controversy over States' rights and national supremacy. By 1824, Chief Justice John Marshall had reached…

Banking in the United States

Here are key moments in the history of U.S. banking 1781 The first U.S. commerical bank is incorporated in Philadelphia, the Bank of North America. 1791 The First Bank of the United…

Presidents' Day or Washington's Birthday?

In honor of one (or two) of the greatest presidents. Related Links Presidential Factfile Presidential Gallery First Ladies Gallery First Ladies Quiz Presidential…

Major Independent Agencies

There are several administrative divisions of the government whose job it is to enforce and administer laws and regulations. Because provisions for these agencies were not outlined in the…

Janet Yellen

Janet Yellen is an economist who has served as chairman of the Federal Reserve and is President Joseph Biden's Secretary of the Treasury. Janet Yellen is a 1967 graduate of Brown University, and she…

2000 Olympic Medalists by Name: G

MEDAL STANDINGS Choose a sport: Archery Badminton Baseball Basketball Beach Volleyball Boxing Canoe/Kayak Cycling Diving Equestrian Fencing Field Hockey Gymnastics…

Ronald Reagan (January 26, 1982)

Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, distinguished Members of the Congress, honored guests, and fellow citizens: Today marks my first State of the Union address to you, a constitutional duty as old as our…