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Willard HALL, Congress, DE (1780-1875)

HALL Willard , a Representative from Delaware; born in Westford, Middlesex County, Mass., on December 24, 1780; attended the public schools and Westford Academy; was graduated from Harvard…

Jean Charles de Menezes, 2005 News

27-year-old Brazilian electrician, was shot and killed by London police who thought he was a suspect in the July 7 terrorist attacks on the city's transit system. Authorities later…

Sérgio Vieira de Mello, 2003 News

diplomat, was appointed UN special representative to Iraq in May. Vieira de Mello was charged with coordinating aid from the UN and nongovernmental organizations, returning refugees to their…

Sérgio Vieira de Mello 2003 Deaths

Sérgio Vieira de MelloAge: 55 diplomat, was killed in August when a suicide bomber demolished UN headquarters in Baghdad. He was appointed UN special representative to Iraq in May. Vieira was…

Geology of the Grand Canyon: De Motte Park.

DE MOTTE PARK.Its length is about ten miles, its average width about two miles. It is a depressed area in the heart of the plateau and is on every side girt about by more elevated ground…

New Castle County, DE Census Data

Delaware New Castle County, Delaware People QuickFactsNew Castle CountyDelawarePopulation, 2005 estimate 523,008843,524Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 4.5%7.6%…

De Witt County, IL Census Data

Illinois De Witt County, Illinois People QuickFactsDe Witt CountyIllinoisPopulation, 2005 estimate 16,61712,763,371Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 -1.1%2.8%Population…

Brewer's: Au Pied de la Lettre

(French). Literatim et verbatim; according to the strict letter of the text. ldquo;In reading au pied de la lettre the story of his [Buddha's] fatal illness supervened on a meal of dried…