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Menacing Monster Guide

  The Monster Guide Abominable Snowman Banshees Chupacabras The Cyclopes Demons Dragons Frankenstein Ghosts Ghouls Goblins Gremlins Jinn…

Brewer's: Hippolytos

Son of Theseus (2 syl.), King of Athens. He was dragged to death by wild horses, and restored to life by Esculapios. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Bheem

or Bhima. One of the five Pandoos, or brotherhoods of Indian demi-gods, famous for his strength. He slew the giant Kinchick, and dragged his body from the hills, thereby making the…

Brewer's: Keel-hauling

or -haling. A long, troublesome, and vexatious examination or repetition of annoyances from a landlord or government official. In the Dutch and many other navies, delinquents were, at one…

Brewer's: Acherusia

Acheru′sia A cavern on the borders of Pontus, said to lead down to the infernal regions. It was through this cavern that Hercules dragged Cerberus to earth. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Devil's Den

A cromlech in a valley, near Marlborough. It now consists of two large uprights and an impost. The third upright has fallen. Some of the farm labourers, a few years ago, fastened a team of…

Brewer's: Coach Away

Get on a little faster Your coach drags; drive on faster Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Coached UpCoach-and-pair A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O…

Brewer's: Skid

A drag to check the wheels of a carriage, cart, etc., when going down hill. (Anglo-Saxon, scid, a splinter.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: Ore

(in Orlando Furioso). A seamonster that devoured men and women. He haunted the seas near Ireland. Orlando threw an anchor into his open jaws, and then dragged the monster to the Irish…