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Jussie Smollett

Actor Jussie Smollett was just another TV actor until early 2019, when he went from making headlines as a victim of an assault to making headlines as the perpetrator of a hoax. He was charged in…

Pete Buttigieg

Pete Buttigieg was the mayor of South Bend, Indiana whose unusual pedigree -- Navy reservist, Rhodes scholar, married gay man, small-city mayor -- made him a much-discussed candidate for the 2020…

FILNER, Robert, Congress, DE (1942)

FILNER, Robert, a Representative from California; born in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pa., September 4, 1942; B.A., Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 1963; M.A., University of Delaware, Newark…

Robert Field STOCKTON, Congress, NJ (1795-1866)

Senate Years of Service: 1851-1853 Party: Democrat STOCKTON Robert Field , a Senator from New Jersey; born in Princeton, N.J., August 20, 1795; was privately tutored; attended the College of…

Bashar al-Assad

Bashar al-Assad has been the president of Syria since 2000. He took the oath of office on 17 July 2000, succeeding his father, Hafez al-Assad, who was Syria's president from 1971 until his death on…

Chelsea Clinton

Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of former U.S. president Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State and former First Lady Hillary Clinton. Chelsea Clinton was 12 when Bill Clinton was elected…

Michael Moore

Michael Moore's 1989 documentary Roger & Me made him rich and famous and put him in the spotlight as a champion of the common folk against corporate greed. Michael Moore was raised near Flint,…

Lynndie England

United States Army Reserve private Lynndie England is the woman seen mugging for the camera and taunting naked Iraqi male prisoners of Abu Ghraib prison in photographs made public in May of 2004.…