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cost of living

(Encyclopedia) cost of living, amount of money needed to buy the goods and services necessary to maintain a specified standard of living. The cost of living is closely tied to rates of inflation and…

index number

(Encyclopedia) index number, in econometrics, a figure reflecting a change in value or quantity as compared with a standard or base. The base usually equals 100 and the index number is usually…

Wilson, Charles Erwin

(Encyclopedia) Wilson, Charles Erwin, 1890–1961, American industrialist and cabinet officer, b. Minerva, Ohio. He was an electrical engineer with Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company from…

standard of living

(Encyclopedia) standard of living, level of consumption that an individual, group, or nation has achieved. The evaluation of a standard of living is relative, depending upon the judgment of the…

Macron, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric

(Encyclopedia) Macron, Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric, 1977–, French political leader and banker, president of France (2017–), b. Amiens, grad. Univ. of Paris Nanterre (2001), Paris Institute of…

living wage

(Encyclopedia) living wage, the hourly wage that, at a minimum, supports a standard of living above the poverty level in a given locality. It differs from the minimum wage, which often provides a…

Myrdal, Gunnar

(Encyclopedia) Myrdal, GunnarMyrdal, Gunnargŭnˈär [key]Myrdal, Gunnar mĭrˈdäl, Swed. mürˈdäl [key], 1898–1987, Swedish economist, sociologist, and public official; husband of Alva Myrdal. A graduate…

Inflation and Cost of Living

The Question: I am looking for information on the inflation rate and cost of living increase in the U.S. for the past 20 years. The Answer: There is a wealth of…

Movies and Film: Stars' Bucks

Stars' BucksMovies and FilmFilm Financing, Production, and DistributionProduction, Distribution, ExhibitionDistributionExhibition(ists)Stars' BucksIndependent Films TodayForeign FilmsSome Films About…