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Chicago, river, United States

(Encyclopedia) Chicago, river, formed in Chicago by the junction of its North Branch (24 mi/39 km long) and South Branch (10 mi/16 km long), and flowing southeast via a canal into the Des Plaines…

Han, rivers, China

(Encyclopedia) Han. 1 River of S China, 210 mi (338 km) long, rising in W Fujian prov. and flowing S through Guangdong prov. to the South China Sea at Shantou; navigable for about 100 mi (160 km)…

Petition for Relief from Taxation

Submmitted by and for Former Slaves of Dartmouth, MassachusettsPaul CuffeAbstractPaul Cuffe was born a free child in 1759, on Chuttyhunk Island, Massachusetts, the son of a Native American…

Holmes, William Henry

(Encyclopedia) Holmes, William Henry, 1846–1933, American geologist, anthropologist, and museum director, b. Harrison co., Ohio. He was internationally recognized for his work in museum science. In…

Gold Coast, city, Australia

(Encyclopedia) Gold Coast, city, Queensland, E Australia, on the Pacific Ocean. The city, a major resort, stretches for many miles along the coast and…

May 2022 Current Events: World News

Top of Page US News | Disaster News | Science & Technology News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the World…

W and Z particles

(Encyclopedia) W and Z particles, elementary particles that mediate, or carry, the fundamental force associated with weak interactions. The discovery of the W and Z particles at CERN near Geneva,…

Eloise in Moscow

More Impish Fun? "Oh definitely Da" by Holly Hartman "Weenie's coat was made of porcupine which was rawther sweet He got it especially for the trip They treated him like a dog…

The Congress of Women: Opening Address

IntroductionThe Finding of the New WorldOpening Address MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF LADY MANAGERS AND FRIENDS:-The moment of fruition has arrived. Hopes which for more than two years have…