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(Encyclopedia) sunburn, inflammation of the skin caused by actinic rays from the sun or artificial sources. Moderate exposure to ultraviolet radiation is followed by a red blush, but severe exposure…

Brewer's: Buck-basket

A linen-basket. To buck is to wash clothes in lye; and a buck is one whose clothes are buck, or nicely got up. When Cade says his mother was “descended from the Lacies,” two men overhear…

Brewer's: Exchequer

Court of Exchequer. In the subdivision of the court in the reign of Edward I., the Exchequer acquired a separate and independent position. Its special duty was to order the revenues of the…

Walt Whitman: Eighteen Sixty-One

Eighteen Sixty-OneArm'd year—year of the struggle, No dainty rhymes or sentimental love verses for you terrible year, Not you as some pale poetling seated at a desk lisping cadenzas piano,…

The Celtic Twilight: Mortal Help

by W. B. Yeats Belief and UnbeliefA VisionaryMortal Help One hears in the old poems of men taken away to help the gods in a battle, and Cuchullan won the goddess Fand for a while, by…

Trademarks: A History

A history of a billion-dollar business Related Links Lost Brand Names Trademarks Trade Names Brand Names Marketing Business The first case of actual trademark…

Numbers: 19

Numbers Chapter 19 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, 2 This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD hath commanded, saying, Speak unto the children of…

Numbers: 4

Numbers Chapter 4 1 And the LORD spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, saying, 2 Take the sum of the sons of Kohath from among the sons of Levi, after their families, by the house of…