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Federalist No. 14

No 13 No 15 Objections to the Proposed Constitution From Extent of Territory Answered From the New York Packet.Friday, November 30, 1787.Madison To the People of the…

Walt Whitman: Our Old Feuillage

Our Old FeuillageAlways our old feuillage! Always Florida's green peninsula—always the priceless delta of Louisiana—always the cotton-fields of Alabama and Texas, Always California's…

The Divine Comedy: Purgatorio: Canto XIII

Purgatorio: Canto XIIPurgatorio: Canto XIVPurgatorio: Canto XIII We were upon the summit of the stairs, Where for the second time is cut away The mountain, which ascending shriveth all…

Federal Farmer VIII

Federal Farmer VIII3 January 1788by See also Federalist No. 56Dear sir,Before I proceed to examine the objections, I beg leave to add a valuable idea respecting representation, to be…

Federal Farmer V

Federal Farmer V13 October 1787by The Federal FarmerDear Sir,Thus I have examined the federal constitution as far as a few days leisure would permit. It opens to my mind a new scene; instead…

Percy Bysshe Shelley: Queen Mab Book 2

by Percy Bysshe Shelley 1 3 2 If solitude hath ever led thy steps To the wild Ocean's echoing shore, And thou hast lingered there, Until the sun's broad orb Seemed resting on the burnished…

Our Top Stories for the Week of June 13, 2022

It’s been a busy week, from tensions between China and the United States to continued conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Who has time to keep track of it all? That’s why we’ve boiled it all down to…