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Displaying 391 - 400

Brewer's: Hill-people

or Hill-folk. A class of beings in Scandinavian tradition between the elves and the human race. They are supposed to dwell in caves and small hills, and are bent on receiving the benefits…

Brewer's: Peak

(The), Derbyshire. “The Queen of Scots' Pillar” is a column in the cave of the peak as clear as alabaster, and so called because Mary Queen of Scots proceeded thus far, and then returned…

Brewer's: Smells of the Lamp

Said of a literary production manifestly laboured. Plutarch attributes the phrase to Pytheas the orator, who said, “The orations of Demosthenes smell of the lamp,” alluding to the current…

Brewer's: Gawrey

(g hard). One of the race of flying women who appeared to Peter Wilkins in his solitary cave. (RobertPultock: Peter Wilkins.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Brewer's: More of More Hall

A legendary hero who armed himself with an armour of spikes; and, concealing himself in the cave where the dragon of Wantley dwelt, slew the monster by kicking it on the mouth, where alone…

Brewer's: Outis

(Greek, nobody). A name assumed by Odysseus in the cave of Polyphemos. When the monster roared with the pain from the loss of his eye, his brother giants demanded from a distance who was…

Svetasvatara Upanishad: Third Adhyâya

1. The snarer who rules alone by his powers, who rules all the worlds by his powers, who is one and the same, while things arise and exists,—they who know this are immortal. 2. For there is one…

Robert Haven Schauffler: The White Comrade

The White ComradeRobert Haven SchaufflerUnder our curtain of fire, Over the clotted clods, We charged, to be withered, to reel And despairingly wheel When the bugles bade us retire From the…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 2, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 1, 1804July 3, 1804July 2, 1804 July the 2nd 1804 Set out verry early this morning passd on the Left of the Isles des parques High butifull…