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Displaying 351 - 360

Poems: The Lily

by WilliamBlakeAh SunflowerThe Garden of LoveThe Lily The modest Rose puts forth a thorn, The humble sheep a threat'ning horn: While the Lily white shall in love delight, Nor a thorn…

Poems: London

by WilliamBlakeThe Little VagabondThe Human AbstractLondon I wandered through each chartered street, Near where the chartered Thames does flow, A mark in every face I meet, Marks…

Poems: The Schoolboy

by WilliamBlakeA Little Girl LostTo TerzahThe Schoolboy I love to rise on a summer morn, When birds are singing on every tree; The distant huntsman winds his horn, And the…

Poems: To Terzah

by WilliamBlakeThe SchoolboyThe Voice of the Ancient BardTo Terzah Whate'er is born of mortal birth Must be consumed with the earth, To rise from generation free: Then what have I to…

Poem: The Hippopotamus

Poem 7 Poem 9 The Hippopotamus Similiter et omnes revereantur Diaconos, ut mandatum Jesu Christi; et Episcopum, ut Jesum Christum, existentem filium Patris; Presbyteros autem,…

Poems, 1833

The poems numbered XXXI-XXXIX were published in the 1832 volume (Poems by Alfred Tennyson. London: Edward Moxon, 94 New Bond Street. MDCCCXXXIII; published December, 1832), and were thereafter…

Poem: Transplanted

Poem 35 Poem 37 Transplanted As if some little Arctic flower, Upon the polar hem, Went wandering down the latitudes, Until it puzzled came To continents of summer, To firmaments of sun,…

Poem: The Outlet

Poem 36 Poem 38 The Outlet My river runs to thee: Blue sea, wilt welcome me? My river waits reply. Oh sea, look graciously! I'll fetch thee brooks From spotted nooks, - Say, sea, Take…

Poem: In Vain

Poem 37 Poem 39 In Vain I CANNOT live with you, It would be life, And life is over there Behind the shelf The sexton keeps the key to, Putting up Our life, his porcelain, Like a cup…

Poem: Renunciation

Poem 38 Poem 40 Renunciation There came a day at summer's full Entirely for me; I thought that such were for the saints, Where revelations be. The sun, as common, went abroad, The…