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James Hodge CODDING, Congress, PA (1849-1919)

CODDING James Hodge , a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Pike Township, Bradford County, Pa., July 8, 1849; moved to Towanda, Pa., in 1854; attended the Susquehanna Collegiate Institute,…

cod-liver oil

(Encyclopedia) cod-liver oil, yellowish oil obtained from the liver of the codfish. The oil is rich in vitamin A and vitamin D (calciferol). It was long used as a preventive and cure for rickets in…


(Encyclopedia) croaker, member of the abundant and varied family Sciaenidae, carnivorous, spiny-finned fishes including the weakfishes, the drums, and the kingcroakers (or kingfish). The croaker has…

Eunice Kennedy Shriver

Name at birth: Eunice KennedyEunice Kennedy Shriver was the founder of the Special Olympics and a longtime advocate for the mentally disabled. Shriver was the middle child of nine in the family of…

Rosemary Kennedy

Rosemary Kennedy was the lesser-known sister of President John F. Kennedy whose mental problems helped inspire the creation of the Special Olympics. Rosemary Kennedy was the oldest daughter of Rose…

U.S. Geography

Subjects » Geography » History » Language Arts » Mathematics » Science » Social Studies Homework Skills Writing | Research Speaking & Listening Studying Reference Sources…

Nathaniel FREEMAN, Jr., Congress, MA (1766-1800)

FREEMAN Nathaniel, Jr. , a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Sandwich, Barnstable County, Mass., on May 1, 1766; attended the common schools; was graduated from Harvard University in…

Thomas Chandler THACHER, Congress, MA (1858-1945)

THACHER Thomas Chandler , a Representative from Massachusetts; born in Yarmouth Port, Mass., July 20, 1858; attended the public schools; was graduated from Adams Academy, Quincy, Mass., in 1878…

The Full Story of the First Thanksgiving

The origins of Thanksgiving trace far back in American history. Its roots are deeply embedded into the country's culture and traditions, celebrated annually by families and friends gathering around…