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Displaying 181 - 190

Lewis, Meriwether

(Encyclopedia) Lewis, Meriwether, 1774–1809, American explorer, one of the leaders of the Lewis and Clark expedition, b. near Charlottesville, Va. He was a captain in the army and served in a number…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: July 16, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark July 15, 1805July 17, 1805July 16, 1805 Tuesday July 16th 1805. We had a heavy dew last night sen one man back this morning for an ax that he…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 10, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 9, 1806May 11, 1806May 10, 1806 Saturday May 10th 1806. This morning the snow continued falling 1/2 after 6 A.M. when it ceased, the air keen…

Brewer's: B. C.

Marked with B.C. (bad character). When a soldier disgraced himself by insubordination he was formerly marked with “B. C.” before he was drummed out of the regiment. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Mae C. Jemison

Dr. Mae Carol Jemison became the first American woman of color to travel into space on September 12, 1992. That was the day she rocketed into Earth orbit on an 8-day mission aboard the space shuttle…

Michael C. Hall

Michael C. Hall plays a serial killer who kills other serial killers in the cable TV series Dexter. A native of North Carolina, Hall began his career on the New York stage after graduating from…

John C. Reilly

John C. Reilly's versatile range extends from serious roles such as in Boogie Nights, Magnolia and Chicago to crazy comedies such as Walk Hard and TV's Check it Out! with Dr. Steve Brule. A Chicago…

C. Robin Ganellin

C. Robin Ganellin Born: 1934Birthplace: London, England Antiulcer compounds and compositions—Durant, Emmett and Ganellin discovered the drug cimetidine (trade name Tagamet) which inhibits the…