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May 2009 Current Events: World News

U.S. News | Business/Science News Here are the key events in world news for the month of May 2009. First Female Poet Laureate Appointed in UK (May 1): For the first time in 341 years, a woman is…

Tips on Tipping

Source: American Society of Travel Agents, Alexandria, Va. Who do you tip? When? How much? These are the questions that have nagged at consumers since the first service transaction. The…

June 2002

WorldPeasants Die in Mexican Land Dispute (June 1): In a poor mountain village in Oaxaca, 26 men and boys die in an attack by armed members of a neighboring community. Arafat Outlines Plan to…

Our Top 5 Stories for the Week of December 6, 2021

It’s been a busy week, from more Omicron variant cases to tornadoes ravaging the US. Who has time to keep track of it all? That’s why we’ve boiled it all down to our top four stories of the week.…

Brewer's: Shanks' Nag

To ride Shanks' nag is to go on foot, the shanks being the legs. A similar phrase is “Going by the marrow-bone stage” or by Walker's `bus. (Anglo-Saxon, scoanca, shanks.) Source:…

Brewer's: Jambuscha

[Jam-bus-cah]. Adam's preceptor, according to the pre-Adamites. Sometimes called Boan, and sometime Zagtith. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894JamesJambon A…

Brewer's: Fathers of the Latin Church

Lactantius, Hilary, Ambrose of Milan, Jerome, Augustin of Hippo, and St. Bernard. The last of the fathers. St. Bernard (1091-1153). The schoolmen who followed treated their subjects…