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Displaying 341 - 350

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 14, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 13, 1806May 15, 1806May 14, 1806 Wednesday May 14th 1806. The morning was fair, we arrose early and dispatched a few of our hunters to the…

Sun Tzu on the Art of War: Maneuvering

Weak Points and Strong [1] Variation in Tactics [1] Maneuvering Sun Tzu said: In war, the general receives his commands from the sovereign. Having collected an…

From the Minnetarees to the Shoshonees

Chapter 12 Chapter 14 From the Minnetarees to the Shoshonees Travelling in a westerly direction, with a very gradual descent, Captain Lewis, on the thirteenth of August, came…

From Tidewater to the Sea

Chapter 16 Chapter 18 From Tidewater to the Sea Near the mouth of the river which the explorers named Quicksand River (now Sandy), they met a party of fifteen Indians who had…

Adventures on the Yellowstone

Chapter 24 Chapter 26 Adventures on the Yellowstone The route of Captain Clark from the point where he and Captain Lewis divided their party, was rather more difficult than that…

Lewis & Clark: From Tidewater to the Sea

by NoahBrooks Down the Columbia to TidewaterCamping by the PacificFrom Tidewater to the Sea Near the mouth of the river which the explorers named Quicksand River (now…

Chauncey Judd: Longmeadow Brook

Gunn's Barn Pursuit from Bethany Longmeadow Brook The breakfast in the barn was dispatched speedily and in silence; and then Graham, drawing his pipe from his pocket, and lighting it…