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Poems by Emily Dickinson: Rouge Gagne

by EmilyDickinsonRouge et NoirVRouge Gagne Rouge Gagne 'T is so much joy! 'T is so much joy! If I should fail, what poverty! And yet, as poor as I Have ventured all upon a throw; Have…

Poem: Rouge Gagne

Poem 3 Poem 5 Rouge Gagne 'Tis so much joy! 'Tis so much joy! If I should fail, what poverty! And yet, as poor as I Have ventured all upon a throw; Have gained! Yes! Hesitated so This…

John Keats: To Some Ladies

by JohnKeatsCalidoreOn Receiving a Curious Shell, ...To Some Ladies What though while the wonders of nature exploring, I cannot your light, mazy footsteps attend; Nor listen to accents,…

Alfred Lord Tennyson: Hero to Leander

Hero to Leander Oh go not yet, my love, The night is dark and vast; The white moon is hid in her heaven above, And the waves climb high and fast. Oh! kiss me, kiss me, once…