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June 1997 News and Events

1997 News Month-By-MonthWorldFrench Vote for Leftists (June 1): In setback to President Chirac, Socialists and Communists gain allies. Vote is a mandate to reject economic austerity and press…

May 2001 News and Events

WorldPope Visits Middle East (May 5 et seq.): John Paul II greeted in Syria by new president, Bashar al-Assad, who publicly accuses Israel of torturing and murdering Palestinians. U.S.…

February 1999 News and Events

1999 News Month-By-MonthWorldU.S. Expands Air Strikes on Iraq (Feb. 2): Pilots hit wide range of military targets under broadened rules for attacks over northern and southern no-fly zones.…

Matthew: 17

Matthew Chapter 17 1 And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart, 2 And was transfigured before them: and…

May 2002

WorldUN Drops Plans for Jenin Fact-finding Mission (May 2): Secretary General Kofi Annan disbands team that would have investigated deadly Israeli attack on Palestinian refugee camp after…

December 2002

WorldOpposition Movement Declares Strike in Venezuela (Dec. 2): Foes of President Hugo Chávez launch nationwide strike against government and call for a referendum on the president.Sharon…

Chauncey Judd: Afterward

Prison Life Afterward Were we writing a tale of fiction, we should feel bound, in deference to the feelings of our readers, to end our story with the marriage of Chauncey Judd to…

John Donne: Expostulation XXI. Atque annuit ille

ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, how large a glass of the next world is this! As we have an art, to cast from one glass to another, and so to carry the species a great way off, so hast…