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Displaying 321 - 330

Brewer's: Thespis, Thespian

Dramatic. Thespis was the father of Greek tragedy. The race of learned men, ... oft they snatch the pen, As if inspired, and in a Thespian rage; Then write. Thomson: Castle of Indolence…

Brewer's: Gall of Pigeons

The story goes that pigeons have no gall, because the dove sent from the ark by Noah burst its gall out of grief, and none of the pigeon family have had a gall ever since. For sin' the…

Brewer's: Gilderoy's Kite

Higher than Gilderoy's kite. To be hung higher than Gilderoy's kite is to be punished more severely than the very worst criminal. The greater the crime, the higher the gallows, was at one…

Brewer's: Gilpin

(John), of Cowper's famous ballad, is a caricature of Mr. Beyer, an eminent linendraper at the end of Paternoster Row, where it joins Cheapside. He died 1791, at the age of 98. It was Lady…

Brewer's: Flummux

(To). To bamboozle, to deceive; to be in a quandary. “I am regularly flummuxed” —i.e. perplexed. The first syllable is probably a variant of flam, humbug, deception, and the word seems to…

Brewer's: Marys

The four Marys. Mary Beaton (or Bethune), Mary Livingston (or Leuson), Mary Fleming (or Flemyng), and Mary Seaton (or Seyton); called the “Queen's Marys,” that is, the ladies of the same…

Brewer's: Lear

(King). A legendary king of Britain, who in his old age divided his kingdom between Goneril and Regan, two of his daughters, who professed great love for him. These two daughters drove the…

Brewer's: Cop

(A). A policeman. Cop (A). A copperhead (q.v.). Cop To throw, as cop it here. The word properly means to beat or strike, as to cop a shuttlecock or ball with a bat. (Greek, copto,…

Brewer's: Chevy Chase

There had long been a rivalry between the families of Percy and Douglas, which showed itself by incessant raids into each other's territory. Percy of Northumberland one day vowed he would…