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Displaying 201 - 210

A Boy's Will: Going for Water

by Robert Frost MowingRevelationGoing for Water THE well was dry beside the door, And so we went with pail and can Across the fields behind the house To seek the brook if still it…

A Boy's Will: My November Guest

by Robert Frost Ghost HouseLove and a QuestionMy November Guest He is in love with being misunderstood. MY Sorrow, when she's here with me, Thinks these dark days of autumn rain Are…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: II ("Going to heaven!")

by EmilyDickinsonIIIIII Going to heaven! I don't know when, Pray do not ask me how, — Indeed, I 'm too astonished To think of answering you! Going to heaven! — How dim it sounds! And yet it…

Edith M. Thomas: Winter Sleep

Winter SleepEdith M. ThomasI know it must be winter (though I sleep) — I know it must be winter, for I dream I dip my bare feet in the running stream, And flowers are many, and the grass…

Christina Rossetti: One Day

One DayI will tell you when they met: In the limpid days of Spring; Elder boughs were budding yet, Oaken boughs looked wintry still, But primrose and veined violet In the mossful turf were…

Christina Rossetti: Summer

SummerWinter is cold-hearted Spring is yea and nay, Autumn is a weather-cock Blown every way: Summer days for me When every leaf is on its tree;When Robin's not a beggar, And Jenny Wren…

Mary Austin Holley Biography

Mary Austin Holleyauthor, early settlerBorn: 10/30/1784Birthplace: New Haven, Conn. Mary Austin studied languages and music in New Haven before marrying Rev. Horace Holley in 1805. They had a…