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(Encyclopedia) thunder, sound produced along a path of a lightning flash, caused by the rapid heating and expansion of the adjacent air; lightning can heat air to temperatures as much as five times…

Vaihinger, Hans

(Encyclopedia) Vaihinger, HansVaihinger, Hanshäns fīˈhĭng-ər [key], 1852–1933, German philosopher. Educated at Tübingen, Leipzig, and Berlin, he served at Strasbourg first as tutor and then as…


(Encyclopedia) substance, in philosophy, term used to denote the changeless substratum presumed in some philosophies to be present in all being. Aristotle defined substance as that which possesses…

Premadasa, Ranasinghe

(Encyclopedia) Premadasa, Ranasinghe, 1924–1993, Sri Lankan political leader. As a member of the Ceylon Labour party, he worked as a labor organizer and was elected deputy mayor of Colombo in 1955.…


(Encyclopedia) prostaglandinprostaglandinprŏsˌtəglănˈdən [key], any of a group of about a dozen compounds synthesized from fatty acids in mammals as well as in lower animals. Prostaglandins are…


(Encyclopedia) kuvasz (pl. kuvaszok)kuvaszk&oobreve;vˈäs, k&oomacr;ˈväs [key], breed of powerful working dog perfected in Hungary over many centuries. The kuvasz may stand as high as 30 in. (…

Norman, Jessye

(Encyclopedia) Norman, Jessye, 1945–2019, American soprano, b. Augusta, Ga., studied Howard Univ. (B.A., 1967), Univ. of Michigan, and Peabody Conservatory. Making her early reputation in Europe,…

Croker, Richard

(Encyclopedia) Croker, Richard, 1841–1922, American politician, head of Tammany Hall from 1886 to 1902, b. Co. Cork, Ireland. He became prominent as Democratic leader of New York City's East Side and…

composition board

(Encyclopedia) composition board, wood product produced in the form of a board or sheet, formed of cellulose fibers or particles derived from wood or other sources, and used principally as a building…


(Encyclopedia) soybean,&sp;soya bean, or soy pea, leguminous plant (Glycine max, G. soja, or Soja max) of the family Leguminosae (pulse family), native to tropical and warm temperate regions of…