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Timeline of Key Events in Cuban History

World > International Relations These are key dates in Cuban history, from Columbus's arrival in 1492 to the present. 1492 Christopher Columbus arrives in Cuba and claims the territory for…

State of the World's Mothers, 2009

Save the Children's annual Mothers’ Index   Related Links The Full Report: State of the World's Mothers (PDF) Mothers in the Labor Force Selected Characteristics of Births by Race of…

Top Oil Producers and Consumers, 2013

In 2013, the United States overtook Saudi Arabia as the world's top oil producer. The United States also has the dubious honor of being the biggest consumer. Here's a look at…

World's Poorest Countries

The rankings below were published in the United Nation's 2011 Human Development Report and reflect the countries with the lowest human development…

Greatest Oil Reserves by Country, 2007

The table below lists the countries with the largest oil reserves in the world, as of 2007. The information was compiled by the US Energy Information Administration.Rank Country…

April 2002

WorldFighting Escalates Between Israelis and Palestinians (April 2): Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon says he would allow Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat to leave his besieged Ramallah…

A Nuclear North Korea

—Borgna Brunner Hamid Karzai, leader of an interim Afghan government after the fall of the Taliban, officially became head of state in June 2002. Karzai's strong international support led to the…