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Walt Whitman: Salut au Monde!, Part 4

Part 4What do you see Walt Whitman? Who are they you salute, and that one after another salute you? I see a great round wonder rolling through space, I see diminute farms, hamlets, ruins,…

Colossus of Rhodes

(Encyclopedia) Colossus of RhodesColossus of Rhodeskəlŏsˈəs [key], large statue of Helios, the sun god, destroyed by an earthquake in antiquity. Consider one of the Seven Wonders of the World by the…


(Encyclopedia) cotingacotingakōtĭngˈgə [key], any of the New World tropical birds of the family Cotingidae. Cotingas range from N Argentina to the southern border of the United States; most are…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Lamb's-quarters Chenopodium album, a member of the goosefoot family goosefoot, common name for the genus Chenopodium, as well as for the goosefoot family, Chenopodiaceae, a…

valerian, in botany

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Valerian, Valeriana officinalis valerian, common name for some members of the Valerianaceae, a family chiefly of herbs and shrubs of temperate and colder regions of the…

Ralph Waldo Emerson: The Problem

The ProblemI like a church; I like a cowl; I love a prophet of the soul; And on my heart monastic aisles Fall like sweet strains, or pensive smiles Yet not for all his faith can see Would I…

Brewer's: Maro

Virgil, whose name was Publius Virgilius Maro, was born on the banks of the river Mincio, at the village of Andes, near Mantua. (B.C. 70-19.) Sweet Maro's muse, sunk in inglorious rest,…

Amazon, river, Peru and Brazil

(Encyclopedia) Amazon, Port. AmazonasAmazon,ämäzōˈnəs [key], world's second longest river, c.3,900 mi (6,280 km) long, formed by the junction in N Peru's Andes Mts. of two major headstreams, the…

Gómez, Juan Vicente

(Encyclopedia) Gómez, Juan VicenteGómez, Juan Vicentehwän vēsānˈtā [key]Gómez, Juan Vicente gōˈmĕs [key], 1857–1935, caudillo of Venezuela (1908–35). Of indigenous and white parentage, Gómez was born…


(Encyclopedia) hummingbird, common name for members of the family Trochilidae, small, strictly New World birds, related to the swifts, and found chiefly in the mountains of South America.…