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Rudolf I

(Encyclopedia) Rudolf I or Rudolf of HapsburgRudolf Ir&oomacr;ˈdŏlf [key], 1218–91, German king (1273–91), first king of the Hapsburg dynasty. Rudolf's election as king ended the interregnum (…

Otto IV, Holy Roman emperor

(Encyclopedia) Otto IV, 1175?–1218, Holy Roman emperor (1209–15) and German king, son of Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony. He was brought up at the court of his uncle King Richard I of England, who…

John Paul II, Saint

(Encyclopedia) John Paul II, Saint 1920–2005, pope (1978–2005), a Pole (b. Wadowice) named Karol Józef Wojtyła; successor of John Paul I. He was the first non-Italian pope elected since the Dutch…

Pius XI

(Encyclopedia) Pius XI, 1857–1939, pope (1922–39), an Italian named Achille Ratti, b. Desio, near Milan; successor of Benedict XV. Pius's pontificate was marked by great diplomatic activity and by…

Brewer's: Alexandrines

(4 syl.). Iambic verses of 12 or 13 syllables, divided into two parts between the sixth and seventh syllable; so called because they were first employed in a metrical romance of Alexander…

Brewer's: Dunciad

The dunce-epic, a satire by Alexander Pope. Eusden, the poet laureate, being dead, the goddess of Dulness elects Colley Cibber to be his successor. The installation is celebrated by games…

Brewer's: Madman

Macedonia's madman. Alexander the Great. (B.C. 356, 336-323.) The brilliant madman or Madman of the North. Charles XII. of Sweden. (1682, 1697-1718.) Heroes are much the same, the point's…

Concordat of 1801

(Encyclopedia) Concordat of 1801, agreement between Napoleon Bonaparte and Pope Pius VII that reestablished the Roman Catholic Church in France. Napoleon took the initiative in negotiating this…

Cyprian, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Cyprian, SaintCyprian, Saintsĭpˈrēən [key], 200?–258, Father of the Church, bishop of Carthage (c.248), and perhaps a disciple of Tertullian. Converted in his middle age, he rose…

Constantine, Russian grand duke

(Encyclopedia) Constantine (Konstantin Pavlovich)Constantinekənstəntyēnˈ pävˈləvĭch [key], 1779–1831, Russian grand duke, second son of Czar Paul I and brother of Alexander I and Nicholas I. On the…