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John McCain, 1999 News

62, senator from Arizona, launched a campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. Though he presented himself as an outsider, McCain has served 17 years in the Senate. He is,…

Daniel Myrick, 1999 News

35, and Eduardo Sanchez, 30, filmmakers, directed and wrote the most profitable film of all time, The Blair Witch Project. The film cost $35,000 to make and has grossed more than $120…

Richie Phillips, 1999 News

58, lawyer and combative union leader, seriously misjudged Major League Baseball when he urged umpires in July to collectively resign unless the league agreed to sign a new contract (before…

Britney Spears, 1999 News

17, teen pop sensation, burst onto the music scene with the release of her vaguely promiscuous single, “. . . Baby One More Time.” Early in her career, Spears appeared on The Mickey Mouse…

Jerry Springer, 1999 News

55, talk-show host, briefly toyed with running for a seat in the U.S. Senate. While Springer is best known for his raunchy talk show, he once had a career in politics, having served as a…

Ty Warner, 1999 News

59?, toy executive, shocked millions of children and parents when he announced on his Web site in August that he plans to retire all Beanie Babies on Dec. 31, 1999. No one was quite sure if…

Allen Funt 1999 Deaths

Allen FuntAge: 84 TV host who caught America by surprise—literally—in the popular series Candid Camera. The show, a CBS hit from 1960 to 1966, was originally created by Funt as a radio show,…

Bill Gates, 1999 News

44, Microsoft chairman, in September pledged $1 billion to send about 1,000 minorities to college. The scholarships will be distributed over the next 20 years to black, Hispanic, Native…

Edmund Morris, 1999 News

59, Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, wove together fact and fiction and inserted himself as a character in his authorized biography of Ronald Reagan, Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan.…

Chris Ofili, 1999 News

31, British artist, received hordes of free publicity when his collage, The Holy Virgin Mary, which featured a black Virgin Mary with elephant feces on one breast and cutouts from…