Biographies: Anthropologist
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

- Adams, Robert McCormick, Jr., American anthropologist
- Bandelier, Adolph Francis Alphonse, American anthropologist and historian
- Bastian, Adolf, German anthropologist
- Benedict, Ruth Fulton, American anthropologist
- Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich, German naturalist and anthropologist
- Boas, Franz, German-American anthropologist
- Coon, Carleton Stevens, American anthropologist
- Dorris, Michael, American anthropologist, writer
- Eggan, Fred Russell, American anthropologist
- Eiseley, Loren Corey, American anthropologist
- Eliade, Mircea, American philosopher and historian of comparative religion
- Evans-Pritchard, Edward Evan, English social anthropologist
- Firth, Sir Raymond William, British social anthropologist
- Fortes, Meyer, British anthropologist
- Frazer, Sir James George, Scottish classicist and anthropologist
- Freyre, Gilberto, Brazilian sociologist and anthropologist
- Gatschet, Albert Samuel, American ethnologist
- Geertz, Clifford James, American cultural anthropologist
- Gluckman, Herman Max, British anthropologist
- Greenberg, Joseph Harold, American anthropologist and linguist
- Hallowell, Alfred Irving, American anthropologist
- Harris, Marvin, American anthropologist
- Herskovits, Melville Jean, American anthropologist
- Heyerdahl, Thor, Norwegian explorer and anthropologist
- Hodge, Frederick Webb, American anthropologist
- Hooten, Earnest Albert, American anthropologist
- Hrdlička, AleÅ¡, American anthropologist
- Kluckhohn, Clyde Kay Maben, American anthropologist
- Kroeber, Alfred Louis, American anthropologist
- Lévi-Strauss, Claude, French anthropologist
- Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien, French philosopher
- La Farge, Oliver, American writer and anthropologist
- Leach, Edmund Ronald, British anthropologist
- Lewis, Oscar, American anthropologist
- Linton, Ralph, American anthropologist
- Lowie, Robert Harry, American anthropologist
- Malinowski, Bronislaw, English anthropologist
- Mauss, Marcel, French sociologist and anthropologist
- Mead, Margaret, American anthropologist
- Montagu, Ashley, British-American anthropologist
- Morgan, Lewis Henry, American anthropologist
- Murdock, George Peter, American anthropologist
- Róheim, Géza, Hungarian anthropologist and psychoanalyst
- Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred Reginald, British anthropologist
- Radin, Paul, American anthropologist
- Rasmussen, Knud Johan Victor, Danish arctic explorer and ethnologist
- Redfield, Robert, American anthropologist and sociologist
- Rivers, William Halse Rivers, British anthropologist
- Schmidt, Wilhelm, German linguist and anthropologist
- Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, American ethnologist
- Steward, Julian Haynes, American anthropologist
- Strong, William Duncan, American anthropologist
- Thomas, Cyrus, American anthropologist and entomologist
- Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett, English anthropologist
- Wagley, Charles Walter, American anthropologist
- Weidenreich, Franz, German anatomist and physical anthropologist
- White, Leslie Alvin, American anthropologist
- Wissler, Clark, American anthropologist