Biographies: Notable Business Biographies
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Notable Business Biographies
- Agnelli, family of industrialists
- Allen, Paul, business personality, inventor
- Alvarado, Linda, entrepreneur
- Appleton, Daniel, publisher
- Arden, Elizabeth, beautician, business executive
- Ash, Mary Kay, business executive
- Astor, John Jacob, merchant
- Astor, William Waldorf Astor, 1st Viscount, financier
- Babson, Roger, statistician, business forecaster, writer
- Baedeker, Karl, publisher
- Baer, George Frederick, financier
- Bailey, Maria, entrepreneur, writer, radio host
- Baker, George Fisher, financier and philanthropist
- Baldwin, Matthias William, industrialist and philanthropist
- Beers, Charlotte, advertising executive
- Sylvia Beach, publisher
- Bennett, James Gordon, newspaper proprietor
- Bezos, Jeff, business personality
- Biddle, Nicholas, financier
- Black, Cathleen, publisher
- Black, Conrad Moffat, financier
- Boeing, William Edward, aircraft manufacturer
- Bradley, Owen, record producer
- Brady, Diamond Jim, financier and philanthropist
- Branson, Richard, business personality
- Brookings, Robert Somers, business executive, philanthropist
- Brown, Moses, manufacturer and philanthropist
- Brown, Nicholas, manufacturer and philanthropist
- Brown, Tina, magazine publisher
- Browning, John Moses, gunsmith, inventor
- Bryan, John Henry, Jr., business executive
- Buffett, Warren Edward, financial executive
- Busch, Gussie, brewer
- Buss, Jeanie, sports management executive
- Butterick, Ebenezer, inventor, fashion business executive
- Cabot, George, merchant and politician
- Cadbury, George, manufacturer, social reformer
- Carey, Mathew, publisher
- Carlson, Chester Floyd, inventor
- Carnegie, Andrew, industrialist and philanthropist
- Carnegie, Dale, lecturer and writer on self-improvement
- Carrier, Willis Haviland, air conditioning pioneer
- Case, Steve, business personality
- Cessna, Clyde Vernon, airplane manufacturer
- Chang, Ming E., business leader
- Chao, Stephen, movie producer, TV executive
- Chen, Tei Fu, skin care entrepreneur
- Chrysler, Walter Percy, industrialist
- Chu, James, computer entrepreneur
- Chuang, John, entrepreneur
- Claiborne, Liz, fashion designer, business executive
- Colgate, William, manufacturer and philanthropist
- Collins, Edward Knight, shipowner
- Cook, Thomas, travel agent
- Cooke, Jay, financier
- Cooper, Peter, inventor, industrialist, and philanthropist
- Cudahy, Michael, meat packer
- Cuffe, Paul, ship captain, merchant, and abolitionist
- Cunard, Sir Samuel, pioneer of regular transatlantic steam navigation
- Curtis, Cyrus Hermann Kotzschmar, publisher and philanthropist
- Cushing, John Perkins, merchant, philanthropist
- Dale, David, cotton manufacturer and philanthropist
- Daly, Marcus, copper magnate
- De Pauw, Washington Charles, manufacturer
- Deere, John, industrialist
- Dell, Michael, entrepreneur
- DeLorean, John, car designer
- Deming, William Edwards, statistician and quality-control expert
- Derby, Elias Hasket, merchant
- Diller, Barry, media mogul, business personality
- Drew, Daniel, railroad speculator
- Drexel, Anthony Joseph, banker and philanthropist
- Du Pont, industrialists
- Du Pont, Coleman, chemical industry entrepreneur
- Du Pont, Eleuthère Irénée
- Du Pont, Pierre Samuel, industrialist
- Duke, James Buchanan, industrialist
- Dun, R. G., merchant, financial services broker
- Durant, Thomas Clark, railroad builder
- Durant, William C., manufacturer
- Eastman, George, inventor, industrialist, and philanthropist
- Edwardes, Sir Michael, business executive
- Eisner, Michael, media executive
- Fairless, Benjamin Franklin, industrialist
- Fargo, William George, pioneer expressman
- Field, Cyrus West, merchant
- Field, Marshall, merchant
- Filene, Edward Albert, merchant
- Fiorina, Cara Carleton "Carly", business executive
- Firestone, Harvey Samuel, industrialist
- Fish, Stuyvesant, railroad executive
- Fisher, Carl G., entrepreneur, developer of racetracks, roadways, and resorts
- Fisk, James, financial speculator
- Flagler, Henry Morrison, financier and real-estate developer
- Forbes, Malcolm, publisher
- Forbes, Robert Bennet, merchant, author
- Forbes, Steve, publisher, political figure
- Ford, Henry, industrialist
- Frick, Henry Clay, industrialist
- Funston, Keith, lawyer and industrialist
- Garrett, Robert, financier
- Gary, Elbert Henry, lawyer and industrialist
- Gates, Bill, business executive
- Gates, John Warne, financier and promoter
- Gerber, Frank, baby food manufacturer
- Getty, Jean Paul, business executive
- Giannini, Amadeo Peter, banker
- Gilbreth, Lillian Evelyn, consulting engineer, household efficiency expert
- Gimbel, family of merchants and philanthropists
- Girard, Stephen, merchant, banker, and philanthropist
- Glidden, Joseph Farwell, inventor of barbed wire
- Godey, Louis Antoine, publisher
- Goodnight, Charles, cattleman
- Goodnight, Mary Ann Dyer, early settler, philanthropist
- Goodyear, Anson Conger, industrialist, art collector
- Gordy, Berry, Jr., record company founder and executive
- Gould, George Jay, railroad owner
- Gould, Jay, speculator
- Grace, William Russell, financier
- Graham, Katharine Meyer, publisher
- Graham, Philip Leslie, publisher
- Green, Hetty, financier
- Gregg, William, industrialist
- Gresham, Sir Thomas, merchant and financier
- Grinnell, Henry, merchant, philanthropist
- Grove, Andrew, engineer, technology executive
- Guccione, Kathy Keeton, publishing executive
- Guggenheim, family of industrialists and philanthropists
- Haas, Walter A., business executive
- Hammer, Armand, industrialist, art collector, philanthropist
- Hanna, Marcus Alonzo, capitalist and politician
- Harriman, Edward Henry, railroad executive
- Harris, Paul Percy, lawyer, founder of Rotary International
- Hartford, John Augustine, food merchant
- Havemeyer, Henry Osborne, industrialist
- Hearst, George, mining magnate
- Hearst, William Randolph, journalist and publisher
- Hefner, Hugh, publisher
- Heinz, H. J., food manufacturer
- Heinz, Howard, business executive, philanthropist
- Helmsley, Leona, business personality
- Hershey, Milton, chocolatier, philanthropist
- Hewitt, Abram Stevens, industrialist and political leader
- Hewlett, William, electronics entrepreneur
- Higgins, Pattillo, Texas oil pioneer
- Hill, James Jerome, railroad builder
- Hilton, Conrad, business personality
- Hock, Dee Ward, financial services pioneer
- Hollerith, Herman, engineer, computer inventor
- Holt, Henry, author and publisher
- Hoover, William, industrialist
- Hopkins, Johns, financier and philanthropist
- Hopkins, Mark, merchant, railroad developer
- Hormel, George A., meatpacker
- Hormel, Jay Catherwood, food industry executive
- Howard, Roy Wilson, newspaper publisher
- Hughes, Howard, business personality, aviator
- Huntington, Collis Potter, railroad builder
- Huntington, Henry Edwards, financier
- Iacocca, Lee, business executive
- Insull, Samuel, public utilities financier
- Jobs, Steven Paul, businessman
- Johnson, Eldridge Reeves, inventor, entrepreneur
- Johnson, Gary, businessman, governor, politician
- Johnson, Howard, restaurateur
- Johnson, John Harold, magazine publisher
- Johnson, Robert L., business personality, media mogul
- Johnson, Tom Loftin, businessman, U.S. representative, mayor
- Jones, Samuel Milton, inventor, manufacturer, reformer
- Jung, Andrea, business executive
- Kahn, Otto Hermann, banker and patron of the arts
- Kaiser, Henry John, industrialist, shipbuilder
- Karan, Donna, fashion designer, business executive
- Keith, Minor Cooper, magnate
- Kennedy, Joseph Patrick, banking, shipbuilding, investment banking
- Kim, James J., entrepreneur
- Kim, Steve, electronics entrepreneur
- King, Henrietta Chamberlain, rancher
- Knight, Phil, business personality
- Knopf, Alfred A., publisher
- Knox, Rose Markward, food products manufacturer
- Knudsen, William Signius, industrialist and U.S. government official
- Kresge, S. S., merchant, philanthropist
- Kroc, Raymond A., restaurateur
- Krupp, family of German armament manufacturers
- Kumar, Sanjay, computer software executive
- Lamont, Thomas William, banker
- Land, Edwin Herbert, inventor and photographic pioneer
- Lauder, Estée, cosmetics company founder
- Lazarus, Shelly, advertising executive
- Lever, William Hesketh, soap-maker, philanthropist
- Levitt, William Jaird, builder
- Lewis, Reginald, business leader
- Lloyd, Edward, business personality
- Loeb, James, banker and philanthropist
- Loeb, Solomon, banker
- Lowell, Francis Cabot, pioneer cotton manufacturer
- Lozano, Monica, newspaper publisher
- Luce, Henry Robinson, publisher
- Ludwig, Daniel K., shipping magnate
- Mackay, John William, financier
- Mars, Forrest Edward, candy manufacturer
- Maxwell, Robert, business executive
- Mayer, Louis B., movie executive
- McConnell, David Hall, toiletries pioneer
- McCoy, Joseph Geating, cattle-trade pioneer
- McElroy, Neil, business executive
- McGregor, Sir Ian, steel magnate
- McNamara, Robert S., business personality, presidential advisor
- Mellon, Andrew William, financier, industrialist, and public official
- Meyer, Eugene, financier and newspaper publisher
- Milken, Michael Robert, financial executive
- Minor, Halsey, Internet entrepreneur
- Morgan, family of financiers and philanthropists
- Morgenthau, Henry, banker, diplomat, and philanthropist
- Morita, Akio, business executive
- Motley, Arthur H., publisher
- Mow, William, clothing entrepreneur
- Munsey, Frank Andrew, publisher and author
- Murdoch, Rupert, media mogul
- Newberry, Walter Loomis, merchant and banker
- Nidetch, Jean, founder of Weight Watchers
- Nobel, Alfred, industrialist
- Nuffield, William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount, automobile manufacturer and philanthropist
- Ochs, Adolph S., newspaper publisher
- Oki, Scott, computer executive
- Onassis, Aristotle Socrates, shipowner and financier
- O'Neill, Paul Henry, business executive and government official
- Paepcke, Walter P., entrepreneur, philanthropist
- Parsons, Richard, media executive
- Patiño, Simón Ituri, capitalist
- Peabody, George, financier and philanthropist
- Peabody, George Foster, banker and philanthropist
- Pearson, Sir Cyril Arthur, publisher
- Perelman, Ronald, turnaround specialist
- Perot, H. Ross, business executive and political leader
- Petri, Angelo, tobacconist, vintner
- Philips, Anton, electronics manufacturer
- Piper, William, airplane manufacturer
- Plant, Henry , entrepreneur, railroad and steamship executive
- Pollock, Oliver, merchant
- Pratt, Daniel, industrialist
- Pritzker, Abram Nicholas, entrepreneur
- Pulitzer, Joseph, newspaper publisher and politician
- Pullman, George Mortimer, industrialist
- Putnam, George Haven, publisher
- Putnam, George Palmer, publisher
- Raeburn, Ben, publisher
- Redenbacher, Orville, business personality, corporate icon
- Remington, Eliphalet, gun manufacturer
- Reuter, Baron Paul Julius von, founder of Reuters Telegram Company (now Reuters Group PLC)
- Revson, Charles, cosmetics industry executive
- Rice, Linda Johnson, magazine publisher, executive
- Rickenbacker, Edward Vernon, airline executive
- Riordan, Richard J., businessman and politician
- Rockefeller, John Davison, industrialist and philanthropist
- Rockefeller, John Davison , Jr., industrialist and philanthropist
- Rockefeller, Laurance Spelman, business executive, conservationist
- Rockefeller, William, financier
- Rogers, Ralph Burton, businessman and philanthropist
- Rosenwald, Julius, merchant, retail executive, philanthropist
- Rothermere, Harold Sidney Harmsworth, 1st Viscount, publisher
- Rothschild, family of bankers
- Rothschild, Nathan Meyer, banker
- Rouse, James, real estate developer
- Rubinstein, Helena, cosmetics executive
- Rupert, Anthony Edward, financier, arts patron, conservationist
- Sage, Russell, financier
- Sanders, Harland, business personality, corporate icon
- Sarnoff, David, business personality, TV personality
- Sarnoff, Robert W., media executive
- Scardino, Marjorie, business executive
- Schiff, Jacob Henry, banker and philanthropist
- Schwab, Charles Michael, steel magnate
- Scott, Thomas Alexander, railroad president
- Scranton, George Whitefield, manufacturer
- Scribner, Charles, publisher
- Scripps, Edward Wyllis, newspaper publisher
- Sears, Richard Warren, merchant
- Siebert, Muriel
, stockbroker - Silverman, Sime, newspaper publisher
- Simon, Norton, food industry executive, art collector
- Slater, Samuel, pioneer in the cotton textile industry
- Sloan, Alfred Pritchard, Jr., businessman and philanthropist
- Soros, George, stock trader and philanthropist
- Stanford, Leland, railroad builder
- Stanley, Francis Edgar and Stanley, Freelan O., inventor, manufacturer
- Starrett, Paul, builder
- Stetson, John Batterson, hat manufacturer
- Stevens, Harry, food industry executive
- Stewart, Alexander Turney, merchant
- Stewart, Martha, publisher, business personality
- Stiegel, Henry William, ironmaster, glassmaker
- Stinnes, Hugo, industrialist
- Stouffer, Vernon B., food industry executive
- Straus, merchants, public officials, and philanthropists
- Strauss, Levi, entrepreneur, inventor
- Strong, William Barstow, railroad official
- Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, newspaper publisher
- Summerlin, Jacob, Florida cattleman and entrepreneur
- Tang, Cyrus, entrepreneur
- Tappan, Arthur, merchant, philanthropist, abolitionist
- Tata, industrialists
- Taylor, Frederick Winslow, industrial engineer
- Thalberg, Irving G., movie executive
- Townsend, Robert, business executive
- Trippe, Juan Terry, pioneering aviation executive
- Trump, Donald, business personality, TV personality
- Tu, John, software entrepreneur
- Turner, Ted, television network executive
- Ueberroth, Peter V., businessman, baseball commissioner, Olympics chairman
- Vanderbilt, Cornelius, railroad magnate
- Vanderbilt, William Henry, railroad developer, financier
- Villard, Henry, journalist and financier
- Wachner, Linda, apparel industry executive
- Walker, Madam C. J., entrepeneur
- Walker, Maggie Lena (Mitchell), businesswoman
- Wallace, William, inventor, manufacturer
- Walton, Sam, retailing executive
- Wanamaker, John, merchant
- Wang, An, computer entrepreneur
- Wang, Charles B., computer software entrepreneur
- Warner, Ty, toy industry executive
- Watson, Thomas John, industrialist and philanthropist
- Watson, Thomas John, Jr., industrialist
- Weill, Sanford I., business executive
- Weisman, Frederick R., businessman, art collector, philanthropist
- Welch, Jack, business executive
- Wells, Henry, pioneer expressman
- Weyerhaeuser, George Hunt, lumber executive
- Whitman, Margaret C. , business executive
- Wiggin, Albert Henry, banker
- Willing, Thomas, merchant and financier
- Willkie, Wendell Lewis, industrialist and political leader
- Wilson, Charles Erwin, industrialist and cabinet officer
- Wilson, Kemmons, hotelier
- Winchester, Oliver Fisher, arms manufacturer
- Wong, Tim, high technology executive
- Woolworth, Frank Winfield, merchant
- Wozniak, Steve, computer industry pioneer
- Yale, Elihu, merchant
- Yale, Linus, lock manufacturer, inventor
- Yang, Jerry, Internet entrepreneur
- Ybor, Vincente Martinez, cigar industry entrepreneur
- Yerkes, Charles Tyson, financier
- Yuen, Henry C., high technology entrepreneur
- Zaharoff, Sir Basil, international financier and munitions manufacturer
See also: