High School Students Engaged in Organized Physical Activity by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, 2003

Updated June 26, 2019 | Infoplease Staff
Characteristic Enrolled in physical education class
Total Attended daily Exercised 20 minutes
or more per class1
Played on a
sports team
All students 55.7% 28.4% 80.3% 57.6%
Male 58.5 30.5 84.5 64.0
Grade 9 70.8 37.7 84.8 65.0
Grade 10 63.0 33.5 83.2 62.0
Grade 11 50.5 26.0 83.7 66.3
Grade 12 44.5 21.4 87.2 62.3
Female 52.8 26.4 75.3 51.0
Grade 9 71.2 38.0 75.7 55.2
Grade 10 58.0 29.1 77.0 53.9
Grade 11 40.8 19.2 71.6 47.8
Grade 12 34.6 15.2 74.9 45.9
White, non-Hispanic 53.7 24.9 81.5 60.8
Male 55.9 26.8 85.8 65.4
Female 51.5 23.1 76.6 55.9
Black, non-Hispanic 56.0 33.0 74.0 53.2
Male 63.1 37.1 80.0 67.5
Female 49.3 29.0 66.7 39.6
Hispanic 58.8 36.7 78.2 49.5
Male 61.4 39.5 82.5 56.2
Female 56.1 34.0 73.5 42.8
1. For students enrolled in physical education classes.
Source: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance—United States, 2003, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Vol. 53, No. SS 02, May 21, 2004.

High School Students Engaged in Organized Physical Activity by Sex, Race, and Hispanic Origin, 2005 Health Avian Flu FAQs
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