2013 World News

Major World News Stories of 2013
By Beth Rowen
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The bloody, intractable conflict in Syria dominated the headlines in 2013, especially after the government unleashed chemical weapons on civilians in several suburbs of Damascus. The NSA surveillance program leaked to the media by Edward Snowden caused diplomatic turmoil for the U.S. Al-Qaeda and its affiliates stepped up their attacks in a number of nations, including Mali, Kenya, and Iraq. However, 2013 wasn't all doom and gloom on the diplomatic front, and there were some positive steps toward peace in 2013. The Israelis and Palestinians opened talks for the first time in nearly five years, and Iran's new president, Hassan Rouhani, stunned the world with conciliatory overtures to the West. Here's an overview and analysis of some of the biggest international stories of 2013.
The NSA, Edward Snowden, and SurveillanceAn overview of the NSA surveillance program leaked to the media by Edward Snowden
Diplomacy Trumps Force Over Chemical WeaponsPresident Assad agrees to comply with a UN resolution to turn over or destroy weapons
Nelson Mandela DiesThe revered liberation leader died on Dec. 5 at age 95.
Violent Protests Lead to Ouster of Morsi and Crackdown on Muslim BrotherhoodSeries of events indicate that Egypt is headed back to becoming an authoritarian regime
New President of China Makes His MarkSignals change to social policy and creates tension with new air defense zone
Negotiations Between Israelis and Palestinians Resume After Five-YearsContinued settlement building by Israel poses threat to peace
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Elected to Another TermNew coalition signals move to the right
President Karzai Refuses to Sign Security AgreementRejection of pact complicates U.S. plans for future role in Afghanistan
Anti-government Protests in Thailand Prompt Prime Minister to Dissolve ParliamentYingluck Shinawatra accused of being a puppet of her brother, former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra
Central African Republic Falls into a Civil War after CoupUN and African Union deploy troops to prevent a genocide
Presidential Election Largely Peaceful in KenyaLater in the year, militants terrorize an upscale mall in Nairobi
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio Installed as Pope Francis INew pontiff has undeniable charisma and is shaking things up in the church
Nuclear Weapons Testing by North Korea Rachets Up Tension with U.S., South KoreaKim Jong-un threatens war over another round of sanctions
Islamic Militants to Expand Their Control Over MaliCease-fire clears the way for presidential elections
Russia Passes Anti-Gay BillLaw sparked protests worldwide and caused concern about how gays will be treated at the 2014 Winter Olympics
Pakistan Elects a Prime Minister and PresidentSmooth transitions signal a move toward democracy
Ukrainian President's Rejection of Trade Deal with European Union Sparks Massive ProtestsBacked out of deal with EU under pressure from Russia
- More from Year in Review