August 2000 News and Events
Updated July 10, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

- Queen Mother Turns 100 (Aug. 4): Elizabeth celebrates with three generations of royal family.
- UN Peacekeepers Reach Lebanon (Aug. 5): Troops fan out along border with Israel after weeks of argument over exact location of border and 22 years after presence of United Nations forces was authorized.
- Free Press Bill Killed in Iran (Aug. 6): Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sides with conservatives and blocks legislation vaunted by President Khatami.
- Anwar Ibrahim Convicted of Sodomy (Aug. 8): Former deputy prime minister sentenced to nine years in jail; currently serving six years for suspect corruption charge. International condemnation swift.
- Pinochet Stripped of Immunity (Aug. 8): Chilean Supreme Court lifts senatorial privileges, removing major legal barrier to trial of former dictator.
- Iran Closes Last Reformist Newspaper (Aug. 8): Hard-line judiciary shutters popular daily, Bahar.
- Russian Submarine Sinks, 118 Dead (Aug. 12 et seq.): Entire crew aboard nuclear-powered Kursk perish on floor of Barents Sea. Russian seamen fail to dock rescue capsule.
- Protestants Parade in Ulster (Aug. 12): Thousands march in Londonderry to celebrate 1689 victory over Roman Catholic forces.
- Nicholas II and Family Canonized (Aug. 14): Russian Orthodox Church honors last czar and kin, imprisoned and executed by Bolsheviks in 1908.
- Budget Cuts Blamed in Kursk Disaster (Aug. 21): Russian defense minister blames reduction in military funds for failure to rescue crew of doomed submarine. (Aug. 22): President Putin pledges families of victims will receive payment equal to 10 years of an officer's salary.
- British Arrest Protestant Leader (Aug. 22): Arrest of infamous Ulster militant Johnny Adair follows recent surge of Protestant paramilitary violence.
- Clinton Visits Colombia (Aug. 30): In one-day stop, he insists $1.3 billion in U.S. military aid is to fight drugs, not rebels.
- U.S. Offers New Tactic on Global Warming (Aug. 1): Proposes that countries get credit for using forests and farmers' fields to absorb carbon dioxide. Proposal an alternative to curbing the burning of coal and oil.
- Republicans Pick Candidates (Aug. 2 et seq.): Philadelphia convention nominates Texas governor George W. Bush as presidential candidate for 2000 election. Delegates chose Dick Cheney, a former congressman and secretary of defense, as Bush's running mate.
- Clinton Vetoes Marriage Tax Relief (Aug. 5): Terms proposal too costly. Measure had been centerpiece of Republican efforts for tax reduction.
- Gore Chooses Running Mate (Aug. 7): Designates Conn. senator Joseph I. Lieberman as candidate for vice president; first Jew on the ticket of a major party.
- Dangerous Tires Recalled (Aug. 9): Bridgestone/Firestone admits the treads on millions of tires it produced since 1991 are prone to shredding. Ford Explorer especially vulnerable. Death toll set at 46.
- Democrats Nominate Gore for Presidency (Aug. 14 et seq.): Los Angeles convention picks vice president to head ticket. Delegates select Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman of Conn. as vice presidential candidate; Gore gains slight edge over Gov. George W. Bush in post-convention bounce.
- Clinton Addresses Convention (Aug. 14): President calls on nation to protect his achievements by electing Vice President Gore to succeed him. He focuses on the successes of his administration and makes no mention of scandals.
- Gore Leads Bush in Six Polls (Aug. 21): Vice president gains slight edge over Republican nominee in post-convention bounce.
- Work on Embryonic Cells Approved (Aug. 23): National Institutes of Health releases rules allowing federally financed work on stem cells, derived from very early embryo. Scientists see promise for treating many diseases, especially aging disorders.
- Clinton Vetoes Estate Tax Repeal (Aug. 31): President rejects Republican measure, saying it “fails the test of fairness and fiscal responsibility.”
- Evolution Foes Defeated in Kansas Primaries (Aug. 2): Voters oust state school-board candidates who supported removing evolution from state curriculum.
- Inhaled Steroids Cut Asthma Deaths (Aug. 2): Scientists report use of breathing device lowers fatalities.
- Nuclear Sites' Toxicity Called Permanent (Aug. 7): National Academy of Sciences reports that facilities where bombs developed will remain contaminated in perpetuity.
- New Wetlands Rules Proposed (Aug. 10): Administration seeks to close loophole that has allowed the broad devastation of environmentally sensitive areas.
- British Ground Concorde Fleet (Aug. 15): Cancel airworthiness certificate after Air France Concorde crash.
- North Pole Icecap Melting (Aug. 18): Arctic visitors report about a mile-wide swath of ice-free ocean. Global warming link suggested.
- Senator McCain Undergoes Cancer Surgery (Aug. 19): Operation successfully removes two malignant melanomas. No evidence that cancer has spread.
- Accord Reached in Phone Walkout (Aug. 20): Strike ends as unions reach contract agreement at Verizon Communications, nation's largest telecommunications employer, after 15-day tie-up.
- Mitsubishi Admits to Defect Cover-up (Aug. 22): Japanese auto company says it concealed thousands of customer complaints about defective cars. Recall affects more than 600,000 vehicles.
- Jet Crash Kills 143 off Bahrain (Aug. 23): All aboard Gulf Air Airbus perish in Persian Gulf.
- Fire in Russian Broadcast Tower (Aug. 28): Firemen extinguish blaze in 1,772-foot Ostankino tower, Moscow's communications center and Europe's tallest structure. Several deaths reported.
- Wildfires Rage across West (Aug. 30): Cost of fighting them expected to exceed $1 billion, federal officials estimate. Fires have devastated vast areas from Montana to New Mexico. Daily cost set at $18 million.