State Holidays

Below is a list of the official holidays of every U.S. state—plus Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands—on which state employees have the day off.
This list does not include election-related days or federal holidays, even when given a different or additional name. For instance, while many states designate Washington's Birthday as Presidents' Day or Washington and Lincoln's Birthday, we don't include such variations below.
The federal holidays are New Year's Day (Jan. 1), Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday (third Mon. in Jan.), George Washington's Birthday (third Mon. in Feb.), Memorial Day (last Mon. in May), Independence Day (July 4), Labor Day (first Mon. in Sept.), Columbus Day (second Mon. in Oct.), Veterans Day (Nov. 11), Thanksgiving Day (fourth Thurs. in Nov.), and Christmas Day (Dec. 25).
When a designated date falls on the weekend, the holiday is usually moved to the preceding Friday or following Monday.
January, February, March
- Jan. 2, New Year's: Ky., Mich.
- Jan. 6, Three Kings' Day: P.R., V.I.
- Jan. (second Mon.), De Hostos's Birthday: P.R.
- Jan. (Friday before third Mon.), Lee-Jackson Day: Va.
- Jan. 19, Confederate Heroes' Day: Tex.
- Jan. 30, Korematsu Day: Calif.
- Feb. 12, Lincoln's Birthday: Conn., Ill., Mo., N.J., N.Y.
- March (first Mon.), Casimir Pulaski Day, Illinois
- March (first Mon.), Guam Discovery Day, Guam
- March 2, Texas Independence Day: Tex.
- March (first Tues.), Town Meeting Day: Vt.
- March 17, Evacuation Day: Mass. (in Suffolk County)
- March 22, Emancipation Day: P.R.
- March 26, Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole Day: Hawaii
- March (last Mon.), Seward Day: Alaska
- March 31, Cesar Chavez Day: Calif., Colo.
- March 31, Transfer Day: V.I.
Moveable Feasts
(Variable holidays, falling on different dates every year.)
- Mardi Gras, Mardi Gras Day: Ala. (in Baldwin and Mobile Counties), La.
- Holy Thursday, Holy Thursday: V.I.
- Good Friday, Good Friday: Conn., Del., Guam, Hawaii, Ind., Ky. (half day), La., N.J., N.C., N.D., P.R., Tenn.
- Day after Easter, Easter Monday: V.I.
April, May, June
- April (third Mon.), Patriots Day: Maine, Mass.
- April (third Mon.), De Diego's Birthday: P.R.
- April 21, San Jacinto Day: Tex.
- April (fourth Mon.), Confederate Memorial Day: Ala.
- April 26, Confederate Memorial Day: Ga.
- April (last Mon.), Confederate Memorial Day: Miss.
- April (last Fri.), Arbor Day: Nebr.
- May 10, Confederate Memorial Day: S.C.
- June (first Mon.), Jefferson Davis' Birthday: Ala.
- June 11, King Kamehameha I Day: Hawaii
- June 17, Bunker Hill Day: Mass. (in Suffolk County)
- June 19, Emancipation Day: Tex.
- June 20, West Virginia Day: W.Va.
- June (third Mon.), Organic Act Day: V.I.
July, August, September
- July 3, Emancipation Day: V.I.
- July (third Mon.) Rivera's Birthday: P.R.
- July 21, Liberation Day: Guam
- July 24, Pioneer Day: Utah
- July 25, Constitution Day: P.R.
- July 27, Barbosa's Birthday: P.R.
- July (fourth Mon.) Hurricane Supplication Day: V.I.
- Aug. (second Mon.), Victory Day: R.I.
- Aug. 16, Bennington Battle Day: Vt.
- Aug. (third Fri.), Statehood Day: Hawaii
October, November, December
- Oct. 18, Alaska Day: Alaska
- Oct. (third Mon.), Hurricane Thanksgiving Day: V.I.
- Oct. (last Fri.), Nevada Day: Nev.
- Nov. 1, Liberty Day: V.I.
- Nov. 2, All Souls' Day: Guam
- Nov. 19, Discovery Day: P.R.
- Nov. (day after fourth Thurs.), (Day After) Thanksgiving: Del., Fla., Iowa, Kans., Ky., Md., Mich., Nebr., N.H., N.M., N.C., Pa., S.C., Tex., Vt., Va., Wash., W.V.
- Nov. (day after fourth Thurs.), Robert E. Lee's Birthday: Ga.
- Nov. (day after fourth Thurs.), Lincoln's Birthday: Ind.
- Nov. (day after fourth Thurs.), Family Day: Nev.
- Nov. 8, Lady of Camarin Day: Guam
- Dec. 24, Christmas Eve: Ark., Wis.
- Dec. 26, (Day After) Christmas: Ky., Mich., N.C., S.C., V.I.
- Dec. 31, New Years Eve: Wis.