The Assignment

Updated June 26, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
Director: Christian Duguay
Writers: Dan Gordon and Sabi H. Shabtai
Director of Photography:David Franco
Editor:Yves Langlois
Music:Normand Corbeil
Production Designer:Michael Joy
Producers:Tom Berry and Franco Battista
Triumph Films; R; 122 minutes
Cast:Aidan Quinn, Donald Sutherland, Ben Kingsley, Liliana Komorowska, Claudia Ferri and Céline Bonnier

From the ludicrous plotting to the outrageous sex scenes, The Assignment exceeds the limits of believable fiction — even by today's standards. After years of dogged pursuit, the CIA and Mossad decide the only way to catch arch-terrorist Carlos the Jackal (Quinn) is to train a double who ostensibly turns on the KGB, which will in turn assassinate the real villain. Naval officer Annibal Ramirez (also Quinn) has the look and reluctantly agrees to the assignment. Ramirez unwittingly assumes many of Carlos's malicious traits.

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