Median Income of Households by Selected Characteristics, 2010

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff

The following table shows the median income for households in the United States for 2010. Data is broken down by race, age, ethnicity, and the composition of the households.

Characteristic Number
All households 118,682 $49,445
Type of household
Family households 78,613 61,544
Married-couple families 58,036 72,751
Female householder, no
husband present
15,019 32,031
Male householder, no
wife present
5,559 49,718
Nonfamily households 40,069 29,730
Female householder 21,234 25,456
Male householder 18,835 35,627
Race and Hispanic origin of householder
White 96,114 51,846
Non-Hispanic 83,471 54,620
Black 15,065 32,068
Asian 4,747 64,308
Hispanic origin1 13,665 37,759
Age of householder
15–24 6,140 28,322
25–34 19,572 50,059
35–44 21,250 61,644
45–54 24,530 62,485
55–64 21,828 56,575
65 and over 25,362 31,408
Nativity of the householder
Native 102,647 50,288
Foreign born 16,036 43,750
Naturalized citizen 8,277 52,642
Not a citizen 7,758 36,401
Northeast 21,597 53,283
Midwest 26,669 48,445
South 44,161 45,492
West 26,254 53,142

1. Persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race.

2. Data for American Indians and Alaska Natives are not shown separately in this table.

Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010.

Per Capita Personal Income by State Poverty and Income Median Income of Households by Selected Characteristics, 2006

Poverty and Income
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