Biographies: Selected Activists and Reformers
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Selected Activists and Reformers
- Abernathy, Ralph David, civil-rights leader
- Anthony, Susan Brownell, reformer and leader of the woman-suffrage movement
- Arnoldson, Klas Pontus, journalist and peace advocate
- Bailey, Gamaliel, abolitionist editor
- Baker, Ella, civil rights activist
- Baldwin, Roger Nash, civil libertarian
- Banks, Dennis, activist
- Barnardo, Thomas John, social reformer
- Barrows, Samuel June, clergyman and reformer
- Bell, Theresa Hayward, Indian activist
- Bergh, Henry, philanthropist
- Berrigan brothers, priests, writers, and social activists
- Birney, James Gillespie, abolitionist
- Bloomer, Amelia Jenks, reformer
- Bloor, Ella Reeve, radical
- Boggs, Grace Lee, activist
- Brace, Charles Loring, clergyman and social reformer
- Bradlaugh, Charles, social reformer
- Brent, Margaret, early feminist
- Brown, John, antislavery activist
- Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell, social reformer
- Cadbury, Dame Elizabeth, social worker and philanthropist
- Carmichael, Stokely, social activist
- Catt, Carrie Chapman, suffragist and peace advocate
- Chadwick, Sir Edwin, social reformer
- Chavez, Cesar, activist
- Child, Lydia Maria, author and abolitionist
- Cleaver, Eldridge, activist, writer
- Coffin, Levi, abolitionist
- Coffin, William Sloane, Jr., social activist
- Corrigan, Mairead, social activist
- Coxey, Jacob Sechler, social reformer
- Crenshaw, Anne Clay, advocate of women's voting rights
- Davies, Emily, feminist
- Davis, Angela, political activist, author
- Davis, Paulina Wright, lecturer and suffragist
- Day, Dorothy, social activist, journalist, and cofounder of the Catholic Worker movement
- Delany, Martin Robinson, black leader
- Dix, Dorothea Lynde, social reformer
- Douglass, Frederick, abolitionist
- Du Bois, W. E. B., civil-rights leader and author
- Dunant, Jean Henri, philanthropist and founder of the International Red Cross
- Duniway, Abigail Scott, editor and advocate of women's rights
- Eaton, Dorman Bridgman, reformer
- Edelman, Marian Wright, lawyer, civil rights activist, children's advocate
- Equiano, Olaudah, abolitionist, writer
- Evers, Medgar, civil rights leader
- Evers-Williams, Myrlie, civil rights leader
- Fanon, Frantz Omar, psychiatrist
- Farmer, James, civil rights leader
- Fee, John Gregg, abolitionist clergyman
- Flesche, Susette La, reformer, writer, and lecturer
- Foster, Abigail Kelley, abolitionist and advocate of women's rights
- Fried, Alfred Hermann, pacifist
- Friedan, Betty Naomi, social reformer and feminist
- Fuller, Margaret, writer and lecturer
- Garrett, Thomas, abolitionist
- Garrison, William Lloyd, abolitionist
- Garvey, Marcus, proponent of black nationalism
- Gerry, Elbridge Thomas, reformer
- Giddings, Joshua Reed, abolitionist
- Gordon, Bruce S., business executive and civil-rights leader
- Greensboro Four, civil rights activists
- Grimké, Angelina Emily, abolitionist and advocate of women's rights
- Grimké, Archibald Henry, author and crusader for black advancement
- Grimké, Sarah Moore, abolitionist and advocate of women's rights
- Hall, Prince, clergyman, abolitionist
- Hamer, Fannie Lou (Townsend), civil rights activist
- Hayden, Tom, political activist
- Henson, Josiah, black slave
- Hirabayashi, Gordon Kiyoshi, activist
- Hirsch, Maurice, baron de, financier and philanthropist
- Hooks, Benjamin Lawson, black leader
- Houston, Charles Hamilton, civil-rights attorney
- Howe, Julia Ward, social reformer, writer
- Howe, Samuel Gridley, reformer and philanthropist
- Innis, Roy, civil-rights leader
- Jacobs, Jane, urbanologist
- James, Meredith,, civil-rights leader, author
- Jones, Samuel Milton, inventor, manufacturer, reformer
- Jordan, Vernon Eulion, Jr., civil-rights leader and lawyer
- Keller, Helen, activist
- Kelley, Florence, social worker and reformer
- King, Coretta Scott, civil rights figure
- King, Martin Luther, Jr., clergyman and civil rights leader
- Korematsu, Fred, activist
- La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François Alexandre Frédéric, social reformer
- Ladd, William, pacifist
- LaDuke, Winona, activist, writer
- Lange, Christian Louis, pacifist
- Lawrence, Amos Adams, colonizer and philanthropist
- Lewis, John R., civil rights leader and U.S. Representative (D.-Ga)
- Lloyd, Henry Demarest, reformer
- Lockwood, Belva Ann, lawyer and women's rights activist
- Lovejoy, Elijah Parish, abolitionist
- Low, Juliette
Gordon, founder of the Girl Scouts - Lundy, Benjamin, abolitionist
- Maathai, Wangari, conservationist
- Martî, José, revolutionary, journalist
- McKissick, Floyd, lawyer, civil rights leader
- Means, Russell, activist, actor
- Menchú, Rigoberta, social reformer
- Mering, Clay, philanthropist
- Mfume, Kweisi, NAACP leader
- Milk, Harvey, politician and activist
- Mills, Heather, activist, model
- Montefiore, Sir Moses Haim, philanthropist
- Mott, Lucretia Coffin, feminist and reformer
- Muhammad, Benjamin Franklin Chavis, civil-rights and religious leader
- Nader, Ralph, activist, political figure
- Nation, Carry Moore, temperance advocate
- Newton, Huey, black activist
- Nightingale, Florence, nurse, activist
- Ossietzky, Carl von, pacifist
- Owen, Robert, social reformer and socialist
- Owen, Robert Dale, social reformer
- Pankhurst, Emmeline Goulden, woman suffragist
- Parks, Rosa Louise, civil-rights activist
- Paul, Alice, activist
- Phillips, Wendell, reformer and orator
- Prosser, Gabriel, slave revolt leader
- Quidde, Ludwig, pacifist and historian
- Riis, Jacob August, journalist and social reformer
- Rotblat, Sir Joseph, physicist and anti-nuclear weapons activist
- Rustin, Bayard, civil rights activist
- Sakharov, Andrei Dmitriyevich, nuclear physicist and human-rights advocate
- Sanborn, Franklin Benjamin, journalist
- Sanger, Margaret, social reformer
- Seale, Bobby, black activist
- Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, social reformer
- Sharp, Granville, reformer
- Sharpton, Al, Jr., civil rights activist and minister
- Shaw, Anna Howard, woman-suffrage leader
- Sheehan, Cindy, activist
- Shriver, Eunice Mary Kennedy, philanthropist, mental health activist
- Shuttlesworth, Fred, civil rights activist, minister
- Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, reformer
- Steele, C. K., civil rights activist
- Stopes, Marie, activist, writer, scientist
- Terrell, Mary Eliza Church, civil rights and women's rights activist
- Thayer, Eli, abolitionist
- Toussaint, Pierre, philanthropist
- Townsend, Francis Everett, reformer
- Truth, Sojourner, activist, orator
- Tubman, Harriet, abolitionist
- Tuke, William, merchant and philanthropist
- Turner, Nat, slave
- Untermyer, Samuel, lawyer and civic leader
- Valentine, Lila Meade, activist
- Vesey, Denmark, carpenter, antislavery activist
- Walker, Mary Edwards, surgeon and feminist
- Wattleton, (Alyce) Faye, activist
- Weld, Theodore Dwight, abolitionist
- Wells, Emmeline Blanche Woodward, community leader and suffragist
- Wells-Barnett, Ida B., civil-rights advocate and feminist
- Wilkins, Roy, social reformer and civil-rights leader
- Willard, Frances Elizabeth, temperance leader and reformer
- Williams, Jody, activist
- Wollstonecraft, Mary, author and feminist
- Woodhull, Victoria Claflin, activist, social reformer
- Wright, Elizur, American actuary and antislavery leader
- Young, Andrew Jackson, Jr., leader, clergyman, and public official
- Young, Whitney M., Jr., social reformer
See also: