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(Encyclopedia)Farouk färo͞okˈ [key], 1920–65, king of Egypt (1936–52), son and successor of Fuad I. After a short regency he acceded (1937) to the throne. A constitutional monarch, Farouk was frequently at o...

Fuad I

(Encyclopedia)Fuad I (Ahmed Fuad Pasha) fo͞oädˈ [key], 1868–1936, first king of modern Egypt, son of the khedive Ismail Pasha. Educated in Europe, Fuad returned to Egypt in 1880. He was particularly concerned ...

Wace, Alan John Bayard

(Encyclopedia)Wace, Alan John Bayard, 1879–1957, English archaeologist. From 1914 to 1923 he was director of the British School at Athens. He served as professor of classical archaeology at Cambridge (1934–44) ...


(Encyclopedia)Wafd wŏft [key], in modern Egyptian history, a political party. It arose out of the delegation [Arabic wafd=delegation] headed by Zaghlul Pasha that was to have visited Great Britain in 1918 to urge ...

Nahas Pasha

(Encyclopedia)Nahas Pasha (Mustafa Nahas Pasha) nähäsˈ päˈshä [key], 1876–1965, Egyptian statesman, leader (1927–52) of the Wafd party. He was premier five times between 1928 and 1952. During World War II...

Nasser, Gamal Abdal

(Encyclopedia)Nasser, Gamal Abdal gəmälˈ ăbˈdəl näˈsər [key], 1918–70, Egyptian army officer and political leader, first president of the republic of Egypt (1956–70). A revolutionary since youth, he wa...


(Encyclopedia)abdication, in a political sense, renunciation of high public office, usually by a monarch. Some abdications have been purely voluntary and resulted in no loss of prestige. For instance, Holy Roman Em...

Sadat, Anwar al-

(Encyclopedia)Sadat, Anwar al- änwärˈ äl-sädätˈ [key], 1918–81, Egyptian political leader and president (1970–81). He entered (1936) Abbasia Military Academy, where he became friendly with Gamal Abdal Na...


(Encyclopedia) CE5 CE5 Egypt ēˈjĭpt [key], Arab. Misr, biblical Mizraim, officially Arab Republic o...

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