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Lodge, David

(Encyclopedia) Lodge, David (David John Lodge), 1935–, English novelist and critic, b. London, grad. University College, London (B.A. 1955, M.A. 1959) and the Univ. of Birmingham (Ph.D., 1967). Lodge…

Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph

(Encyclopedia) Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph, 1851–1940, English physicist, grad. University College, London (B.S., 1875; D.Sc., 1877). He made valuable contributions to the development of wireless…


(Encyclopedia) Freemasonry, teachings and practices of the secret fraternal order officially known as the Free and Accepted Masons, or Ancient Free and Accepted Masons. Because of its…

Lodge, Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Lodge, Thomas, 1558?–1625, English writer, grad. Oxford, 1577. After abandoning the study of law for literature, he published (c.1580) his defense of poetry and other arts, usually…

Lodge, George Cabot

Lodge, George Cabot[1873-1909](2)Born at Boston, October 12, 1873. Educated at Harvard University and the University of Paris. He did his first work in poetry at Harvard in the stimulating…

Brewer's: Orange Lodges

or Clubs are referred to in Hibernia Cariosa, published in 1769. Thirty years later the Orangemen were a very powerful society, having a “grand lodge” extending over the entire province of…

Brewer's: Dry Lodgings

Sleeping accommodation without board. Gentlemen who take their meals at clubs live in dry lodgings. “Dry Lodginge of seven weeks, £0 4s. 1d.” —SirW.Scott: Old Mortality (Intr. Rob.…

Brewer's: Tile a Lodge

in Freemasonry, means to close the door, to prevent anyone uninitiated from entering. Of course, to tile a house means to finish building it, and to tile a lodge is to complete it.…

Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr.

(Encyclopedia) Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 1902–85, American public official and diplomat, U.S. senator from Massachusetts (1937–44, 1947–53), b. Nahant, Mass.; grandson of Henry Cabot Lodge. He was a…

History of Camp David

A brief history of the Presidential mountain retreat and its famous guests by David Johnson President Kennedy with JFK, Jr., at Camp David. (Source: John F. Kennedy Library)…