Sara Teasdale
Updated September 23, 2019 |
Infoplease Staff

Born in St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 10, 1884. Educated at private schools. Married Ernst B. Filsinger, 1915. She is the author of "Sonnets to Duse", 1907; "Helen of Troy and Other Poems", 1911; "Rivers to the Sea", 1915; "Love Songs", 1917, which was awarded the Columbia University Prize of $500 for the best book of poems of the current year. Miss Teasdale was also the editor of "The Answering Voice; A Hundred Love Lyrics by Women", 1917. She herself wrote some of the finest love songs of our period and was one of the purest and most spontaneous lyric poets of her generation.
[Sara Teasdale won the first Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1918 for "Love Songs". (Same as the Columbia University Prize listed above.) — A. L., 1998.]
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