Stickney, Joseph Trumbull

Born at Geneva, Switzerland, June 20, 1874. After a youth spent for the most part in Italy and Switzerland, although his family maintained a house in New York, Stickney entered Harvard University in 1891. Graduating with high classical honors in 1895, he returned to Europe to study for the degree Doctorat ès Lettres. This was conferred upon him by the University of Paris in 1903, in exchange for his two theses, "Les Sentences dans la Poésie Grecque d'Homère à Euripide" and "De Hermolai Barbari vita atque ingenio dissertationem." This degree, the highest in the gift of the University, was never before bestowed upon an American. Stickney's volume of poems, "Dramatic Verses", had been published in 1902. Leaving Paris in April, 1903, Stickney spent a few months in Greece and then returned to America to become instructor in Greek at Harvard. He died in Boston, October 11, 1904. His "Poems" were collected and edited in 1905 by his friends, George Cabot Lodge, William Vaughn Moody, and John Ellerton Lodge.