Biographies: Notable Protestant Religious Leaders
Updated August 5, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff

Notable Protestant Religious Leaders
- Abbott, Lyman, American clergyman and editor
- Aglipay, Gregorio, Philippine clergyman
- Akinola, Peter Jasper, Nigerian Anglican prelate
- Albright, Jacob, American religious leader
- Allen, Richard, American clergyman
- Andrewes, Lancelot, Anglican divine
- Arminius, Jacobus, Dutch Reformed theologian
- Asbury, Francis, Methodist bishop in America
- Bacon, Leonard, American Congregational minister
- Ballou, Adin, American Universalist clergyman
- Ballou, Hosea, American clergyman
- Ballou, Hosea, 2d, American Universalist clergyman
- Barth, Karl, Swiss Protestant theologian
- Bascom, Henry Bidleman, American Methodist minister and college president
- Baxter, Richard, English nonconformist clergyman
- Beecher, Henry Ward, American Congregational preacher
- Beecher, Lyman, American Presbyterian clergyman
- Beissel, Johann Conrad, founder of the Seventh-Day Baptist community at Ephrata
- Bengel, Johann Albrecht, German Lutheran theologian and biblical scholar
- Beza, Theodore, French Calvinist theologian
- Biddle, John, founder of English Unitarianism
- Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa (Brown), American Unitarian minister
- Blair, James, Church of England clergyman
- Bliss, Philip Paul, American evangelist and writer of gospel songs
- Boehm, Martin, American evangelical preacher
- Boehme or Böhme, Jakob, German religious mystic
- Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, German Protestant theologian
- Booth, Evangeline Cory, general of the Salvation Army
- Booth, William, English religious leader
- Brainerd, David, missionary to the Native Americans
- Bray, Thomas, English clergyman and philanthropist
- Brenz, Johannes, German Protestant reformer
- Brooks, Phillips, American Episcopal bishop
- Browne, Robert, English clergyman
- Brownson, Orestes Augustus, American author and clergyman
- Brunner, Emil, Swiss Protestant theologian
- Bucer or Butzer, Martin, German Protestant reformer
- Buchman, Frank Nathan Daniel, American evangelist
- Bullinger, Heinrich, Swiss Protestant reformer
- Bultmann, Rudolf Karl, German existentialist theologian
- Bushnell, Horace, American Congregational minister
- Butler, Joseph, English bishop
- Calvin, John, French Protestant theologian
- Cameron, John, Scottish scholar and theologian
- Cameron, Richard, Scottish leader of the Cameronians
- Campbell, Alexander, clergyman
- Carlstadt, German Protestant reformer
- Chalmers, Thomas, Scottish preacher
- Charles, Thomas, Welsh nonconformist clergyman
- Chauncy, Charles, American Congregational clergyman
- Cheyne, Thomas Kelly, English cleric and biblical critic
- Clarke, James Freeman, American Unitarian clergyman and author
- Cocceius, Johannes, German theologian
- Coffin, Henry Sloane, American Presbyterian clergyman
- Conway, Moncure Daniel, American author and preacher
- Coquerel, Athanase Laurent Charles, French Protestant clergyman
- Cotton, John, Puritan clergyman in England and Massachusetts
- Coverdale, Miles, English translator of the Bible
- Craig, John, Scottish minister of the Reformation
- Döllinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von, German theologian and historian
- Davenport, John, Puritan clergyman
- Dickinson, Jonathan, American Presbyterian clergyman
- Divine, Father, African-American religious leader
- Dowie, John Alexander, founder of the Christian Catholic Church
- Drummond, Henry, Scottish clergyman and author
- Dwight, Timothy, American clergyman, author, educator
- Dyer, Mary, Quaker martyr
- Eaton, Theophilus, Puritan leader in Connecticut
- Eddy, Mary Baker, founder of the Christian Science movement
- Edwards, Jonathan, American theologian
- Edwards, Jonathan, American theologian and metaphysician
- Eliot, John, English missionary in colonial Massachusetts
- Episcopius, Simon, Dutch Protestant theologian
- Erastus, Thomas, Swiss Protestant theologian
- Erskine, Ebenezer, founder of the Secession Church in Scotland
- Ettwein, John, German-American churchman
- Farel, Guillaume, French religious reformer
- Finley, Robert, American clergyman
- Finney, Charles Grandison, American evangelist
- Foakes-Jackson, Frederick John, English theologian and church historian
- Fosdick, Harry Emerson, American clergyman
- Fox, George, English religious leader
- Francke, August Hermann, German Protestant minister and philanthropist. In 1686
- Frothingham, Octavius Brooks, American clergyman and writer
- Garrettson, Freeborn, American Methodist preacher
- Gogarten, Friedrich, German theologian
- Goodell, William, American missionary in the Middle East
- Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, American Greek scholar
- Gore, Charles, English prelate and theologian
- Graham, Billy, American evangelist
- Grellet, Stephen, Quaker missionary
- Hall, Samuel Read, American educator and clergyman
- Hamann, Johann Georg, German Protestant theologian
- Hanaford, Phoebe Ann (Coffin), American Universalist minister
- Harris, Barbara C. , Episcopal clergywoman
- Harris, Thomas Lake, American Christian mystic
- Heckewelder, John Gottlieb Ernestus, Moravian missionary in the United States
- Henderson, Alexander, Scottish churchman
- Hodge, Charles, American Calvinist theologian
- Holmes, John Haynes, American clergyman
- Hooker, Richard, English theologian and clergyman
- Hopkins, Samuel, American clergyman and theologian
- Huntingdon, Selina Hastings, countess of, English religious leader
- Huss, John, Czech religious reformer
- Hutchinson, Anne, religious leader in New England
- Inge, William Ralph, Anglican prelate and author
- Johnson, Samuel, American clergyman
- Judson, Adoniram, American Baptist missionary
- Knox, John, Scottish religious reformer
- Lake, Kirsopp, English biblical scholar
- Lang, Cosmo Gordon, English churchman
- Laski, John, Polish Protestant reformer
- Laud, William, archbishop of Canterbury (1633-45)
- Law, William, English clergyman
- Lee or Legh, Rowland, English bishop
- Lee, Ann, English religious visionary
- Leighton, Robert, Scottish prelate and classical scholar
- Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, English prelate and scholar
- Luther, Martin, German leader of the Protestant Reformation
- Muhlenberg, Heinrich Melchior, American Lutheran clergyman
- Munzer or Muntzer, Thomas, German Protestant reformer
- Mather, Cotton, American Puritan clergyman and writer
- Mather, Increase, American Puritan clergyman
- Mathews, Shailer, American theologian
- Maurice, Frederick Denison, English clergyman and social reformer
- McGready, James, American Presbyterian minister and evangelist
- McPherson, Aimee Semple, U.S. evangelist
- Melanchthon, Philip, German scholar and humanist
- Melville, Andrew, Scottish religious reformer and scholar
- Menno Simons, Dutch religious reformer
- Moody, Dwight Lyman, American evangelist
- Morse, Jedidiah, American Congregational clergyman
- Muhlenberg, William Augustus, American Episcopal clergyman
- Murray, John, founder of the Universalist denomination in America
- Neander, Johann August Wilhelm, German theologian and church historian
- Nevin, John Williamson, American theologian and educator
- Newton, John, English clergyman and hymn writer
- Niebuhr, Helmut Richard, American theologian
- Niebuhr, Reinhold, American religious and social thinker
- Niemoeller or Niemöller, Martin, German Protestant churchman
- Oecolampadius, Johannes, German Protestant reformer
- Osiander, Andreas, German reformer
- Otterbein, Philip William, German-American clergyman
- Paley, William, English theologian
- Parker, Matthew, English prelate
- Parker, Theodore, American theologian and social reformer
- Parkhurst, Charles Henry, American clergyman and reformer
- Pike, James Albert, American Episcopal bishop
- Potter, Henry Codman, American Episcopal bishop
- Prime, Samuel Irenaeus, American Presbyterian clergyman and editor
- Prince, Thomas, American clergyman
- Purvey, John, English scholar
- Pusey, Edward Bouverie, English clergyman
- Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst, American mental healer
- Ramsey of Canterbury, Arthur Michael Ramsey, Baron, archbishop of Canterbury (1961-74)
- Rauschenbusch, Walter, American clergyman
- Ridley, Nicholas, English prelate, reformer, and Protestant martyr
- Robertson, Pat, American evangelist and politician
- Robinson, John, English nonconformist pastor
- Rogers, Adrian Pierce, American Southern Baptist clergyman
- Rogers, John, English Protestant martyr
- Russell, Charles Taze, founder of the movement whose followers are known as Russellites
- Söderblom, Nathan, Swedish churchman
- Sabatier, Auguste, French Protestant theologian
- Savage, Minot Judson, American Unitarian clergyman and writer
- Schaff, Philip, biblical scholar and church historian in America
- Schleiermacher, Friedrich Daniel Ernst, German Protestant theologian
- Schori, Katharine Jefferts , bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States
- Schuller, Robert, American Protestant minister and television evangelist
- Schweitzer, Albert, Alsatian theologian
- Schwenkfeld, Kaspar von, German religious reformer
- Selwyn, George Augustus, English prelate
- Smith, Joseph, American Mormon leader
- Socinus, Faustus, Italian religious reformer
- Spangenberg, August Gottlieb, a founder of the Moravian Church in America
- Spener, Philipp Jakob, German theologian
- Spurgeon, Charles Haddon, English Baptist preacher
- Stanley, Arthur Penrhyn, English clergyman and author
- Stillingfleet, Edward, English prelate and author
- Strauss, David Friedrich, German theologian and philosopher
- Sunday, Billy, American evangelist
- Swedenborg, Emanuel, Swedish scientist
- Tait, Archibald Campbell, British churchman
- Talmage, Thomas De Witt, American Presbyterian clergyman
- Taylor, Edward Thompson, American Methodist missionary preacher
- Taylor, Jeremy, English bishop and theological and devotional writer
- Temple, Frederick, Anglican prelate
- Temple, William, archbishop of York (1929-42) and archbishop of Canterbury (1942-44);
- Tennent, Gilbert, American Presbyterian clergyman
- Tillich, Paul Johannes, American philosopher and theologian
- Tindal, Matthew, English deist
- Toy, Crawford Howell, American biblical scholar
- Tutu, Desmond, South African religious leader
- Tyndale, Tindal, or Tindale, William, English biblical translator
- Ussher or Usher, James, Irish prelate and scholar
- Vermigli, Pietro Martire, Italian Protestant reformer
- Vincent, John Heyl, American Methodist bishop
- Vinet, Alexandre Rodolphe, Swiss Protestant theologian and historian of literature
- Warburton, William, English bishop and author
- Ware, Henry, American clergyman
- Wayland, Francis, American clergyman and educator
- Wesley, Charles, English Methodist preacher and hymn writer
- Wesley, John, English evangelical preacher
- Wessel, Johann, Dutch theologian
- Wheelock, Eleazar, American clergyman
- White, Ellen Gould (Harmon), leader of the Seventh-day Adventists
- Whitefield, George, English evangelistic preacher
- Wilberforce, Samuel, English prelate
- Williams, Rowan Douglas, Archbishop of Canterbury
- Williams, Sir George, English merchant and founded the Young Men's Christian Association
- Wise, John, American clergyman
- Woolman, John, American Quaker leader
- Worcester, Noah, American Congregational clergyman
- Wyclif, Wycliffe, Wickliffe, or Wiclif, John, English reformer
- Young, Brigham, American religious leader
- Zeisberger, David, American Moravian missionary
- Zinzendorf, Nikolaus Ludwig, Graf von, German churchman
- Zwingli, Huldreich or Ulrich, Swiss Protestant reformer