Oklahoma City, Okla.

Mayor: Mick Cornett (to 2018) City Manager: James D. Couch 2010 census population (rank): 579,999 (31); Male: 285,556 (49.2%); Female: 294,443 (50.8%); White: 363,646 (62.7%); Black: 87,354 (15.1%); American Indian and Alaska Native: 20,533 (3.5%); Asian: 23,310 (4.0%); Other race: 54,593 (9.4%); Two or more races: 29,977 (5.2%); Hispanic/Latino: 100,038 (17.2%). 2010 percent population 18 and over: 74.6%; 65 and over: 11.3%; Median age: 34.0. 2014 population estimate (rank): 620,602 (27) Land area: 607 sq mi. (1,572 sq km); Alt.: Highest, 1,320 ft.; lowest, 1,140 ft. Avg. daily temp.: Jan., 35.9° F; July, 82.0° F Churches: Roman Catholic, 25; Jewish, 4; Protestant and others, 741; City-owned parks: 144 (5,225 ac.); Radio stations: AM, 10; FM, 14; Television stations: 8 Civilian Labor Force (2013): 313,453; Percent: 5.9;Per capita personal income 2013: $25,685 Chamber of Commerce: Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, 123 Park Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73102 |
Oklahoma City, the state capital and seat of Oklahoma County, is the largest city in Oklahoma. It is located in the central part of the state on the North Canadian River.
Oklahoma City sprang into being almost overnight. On April 22, 1889, the U.S. government opened the territory for settlement, and there was a rush across the border line to stake claims. A sprawling tent city sprang up near the Santa Fe railroad tracks, and within a short time Oklahoma City was a bustling town of 10,000. The city was incorporated in 1890 and replaced Guthrie as the state capital in 1910. Oil was discovered in the city in 1928, and petroleum production became a mainstay of the city's economy.
Oklahoma City is the wholesale and distributing center for the state, and the city's stockyards are the largest stocker and feeder cattle market in the world. Following the decline of the energy sector, Oklahoma City is fostering a private entrepreneurial environment and a more diversified economy. Within the service sector, health services are projected to grow, followed by retail trade and business services. Nearby Tinker Air Force Base, one of the world's largest air depots, is a major city employer.
In 1995 the city was the scene of a devastating terrorist bombing, which destroyed a federal office building and killed 168 people.
The incumbent mayor, fourth-generation Oklahoman Mick Cornett, was reelected on March 2, 2010, to his third term, with 58% of the vote.
See also Encyclopedia: Oklahoma City .
Selected famous natives and residents:
- Johnny Bench baseball player;
- Lon Chaney, Jr. actor;
- Ralph Ellison writer;
- Kay Francis actress;
- Vince Gill country singer;
- Dale Robertson actor;
- Ted Shackleford actor;
- Pamela Tiffin actress.
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