What Do You Know About Moose?
Where does the moose rank in size amongst deer species?
- The moose is the largest species in the deer family. They can reach heights of 6.5 feet from hooves to shoulders.
What is a group of moose called?
- A group of moose is known as a herd, although they are typically solitary animals outside of mating season.
What are the large, flat, antler extensions seen on male moose called?
- The large, flat extensions on a moose's antlers are called palms. These can spread up to six feet across.
What is the lifespan of a moose in the wild?
- On average, a moose can live from 15 to 20 years in the wild.
What is the primary diet of a moose?
- Moose are herbivores, and their diet primarily consists of terrestrial and aquatic vegetation.
What is the term for a baby moose?
- A baby moose is known as a calf. At birth, calves weigh less than 40 pounds but grow quickly.
Where are moose typically found?
- Moose are typically found in temperate broadleaf and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere, in cold climates.
What is the top speed a moose can reach when running?
- A moose can reach top speeds of up to 35 mph when running, despite their large size.
How do moose typically react to humans?
- Moose typically react indifferently to human presence unless they feel threatened or provoked.
What is the main predator of the moose?
- Wolves, bears, and mountain lions are all known predators of moose,