Percentage of U.S. Adults Engaging in Leisure Time, Transportation-Related, and Household-Related Physical Activity, 2003

Updated June 26, 2019 | Infoplease Staff
CharacteristicPersons who meet
recommended activity1
Persons not meeting
recommended activity2
Persons who are
physically inactive3
White, non-Hispanic49.051.020.9
Black, non-Hispanic36.363.732.7
18 to 29 years old 57.842.217.1
30 to 44 years old48.751.320.7
45 to 64 years old43.256.824.4
65 to 74 years old45.754.324.9
75 years old and over36.763.331.0
18 to 29 years old50.149.921.9
30 to 44 years old47.752.323.4
45 to 64 years old42.657.426.7
65 to 74 years old37.162.931.2
75 years old and over27.672.442.0
School years completed:
Less than 12 years33.866.245.7
12 years43.156.930.5
Some college (13 to 15 years)47.552.521.0
College (16 or more years)51.948.113.1
Household income:
Less than $10,00034.765.342.2
$10,000 to $19,99937.063.038.9
$20,000 to $34,99943.656.429.4
$35,000 to $49,99947.352.721.9
$50,000 and over53.646.413.6
1. Recommended activity is physical activity at least 5 times/week x 30 minutes/time or vigorous physical activity for 20 minutes at a time at least 3 times/week.
2. Persons whose reported physical activity does not meet recommended level or report no leisure-time, transportation-related, or household-related physical activity.
3. Persons with no reported physical activity.
Source: U.S. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, “Nutrition and Physical Activity,” and unpublished data. From Statistical Abstract of the United States, 2006.

Exploding Exercise MythsHealthPhysical Activity Levels Among American Children Ages 9–13, 2002
Brewer's: Health
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