storm: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (stôrm), [key]
  1. (of the wind or weather) to blow with unusual force, or to rain, snow, hail, etc., esp. with violence (usually used impersonally with it as subject): It stormed all day.
  2. to rage or complain with violence or fury: He stormed angrily at me.
  3. to deliver a violent attack or fire, as with artillery: The troops stormed against the garrison.
  4. to rush to an assault or attack: The tanks stormed towards the city.
  5. to rush angrily: to storm out of a room.
  1. to subject to or as if to a storm: The salesman stormed them with offers.
  2. to utter or say with angry vehemence: The strikers stormed their demands.
  3. to attack or assault (persons, places, or things): to storm a fortress.


Pronunciation: (shtōrm), [key]
  1. 1817–88, German poet and novelist.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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